Farmland for Sale in Sadashivpet
Real Stone Presents RIVER SIDE farmland for sale in Sadashivpet is just 1.5km from the proposed Regional Road.
will all amenities @ 9,700/- per sq yard
?️?️RRR River Side??
??Project Highlights ??
? 31 Acers Layout
?️ 40 Feet Main Road
?️ 30 Feet Internal Roads
? Water Connection To Each Plot
? Club House
? Cottages
Swimming Pool
? Constructed Model House
? Fruit Plants For 100 Sq.Yards
? Avenue Plantation
?️ 2 Km From Regional Ring Road (RRR)
?️ 1 Acre Park
Kids Play Area
Jogging Track
? Elders Seating Area
Peaceful Environment
Farmland developed by DTCP norms LRS paid by the company for construction
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unless and until we mention them specifically. This channel shall neither be responsible nor liable to mediate or resolve disputes or disagreements between the Customer/Buyer/User and the Seller. Please check thoroughly before making any decision on any listing
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2 years ago