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Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is regulated by the provisions of the BigProperty Reality Services (User Agreement) Web Policy. By filling out the
registration form and agreeing to the terms and conditions set out in the Site Rules, this policy is valid from the date and
time a person signs with ( ) BigProperty Reality Services.
Big Property can collect personal information from you to provide a personalized browsing experience. In addition,
some of our websites may ask you to fill out a registration form or to request some details from you. We would be able
to provide or encourage you to access the most appropriate data that fits your end when you let us have your
To expand this customized experience, Big Property can monitor a user’s computer’s IP address and store certain
information in the form of cookies on your device. By modifying the configuration of your browser, a user has the option
of accepting or rejecting cookies from this website.
Without the express consent of the user concerned, personal information submitted by the users of Big Property would
not be given to third parties. However, general details can be released to third parties.
Any effort will be taken to keep the information submitted by users in a protected way, so the information will be
posted on the website only after user permission has been received. Usually, any person browsing the site is not
expected to reveal his or her name or offer any information about him or her, you will only be required to provide the
details in the registration form at the time of registration.
A full user still has the option of not supplying the non-mandatory results. You are solely responsible for ensuring the
secrecy of the User’s password and user identity and of all operations and transmissions carried out by the User via the
identification of the User, and you are solely responsible for carrying out any online or offline transaction involving
credit cards/debit cards or other types of instruments or documentation for such transactions and Bigproperty.

You accept that Bigproperty Reality Services can use your personal details to promote its marketing and promotional activities, assess
the use of the website, improve the content and product offerings of the website, and to customize the content,
interface, and services of the website. In order to provide you with a seamless, reliable, stable and personalized
experience when using the Web, these uses optimize the Site and further adapt it to suit your needs.
You accept that Bigproperty Reality Services can use your personal information to contact you and provide you with information that is
tailored to your preferences in certain situations, such as targeted banner ads, administrative notifications, product
deals and correspondence related to your use of the Website. You fully commit to accessing this information by
following the User Agreement and Privacy Policy. We invite you to opt out of the reception of such emails in your profile
if you do not want to accept these communications. At any time, you can make changes to your profile. Bigproperty
claims that a person’s safety can better be preserved by operating in collaboration with law enforcement officials.
websites, like BigProperty, comply entirely with all relevant Indian regulations. In all law enforcement enquiries, IEIL has
always cooperated. In response to a request from law enforcement authorities or in the case of a bonafide obligation to
avoid an imminent violation of the law, Bigproperty may reveal all or part of your personal data.

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