Hyderabad Real Estate Market Decline over 42% : Top Reasons



 Hyderabad real estate market, once a beacon of growth and opportunity, is experiencing a severe downturn. According to recent data, house sales have plummeted by 42% over the past year, marking one of the steepest declines among major Indian cities. This significant drop in sales results from a complex interplay of factors that have dampened buyer sentiment and altered the market dynamics.

PropEquity’s July-September Estimates: A Grim Outlook

  Hyderabad real estate Market sector, which had previously enjoyed a period of rapid growth and prosperity, now faces a stark reality. PropEquity, a leading real estate data analytics firm, has released alarming estimates for the July-September quarter, shedding light on the extent of the decline in home sales across nine major cities in India.

Hyderabad Real Estate

Hyderabad Tops the List with a 42% Decline

The report by PropEquity reveals that Hyderabad has witnessed the most significant decline in home sales among the surveyed cities, with a staggering 42% drop. This decline is particularly striking when compared to other major cities: Bengaluru saw a 26% decrease, Kolkata 23%, Pune 19%, Chennai 18%, Mumbai 17%, and Thane 10%. In contrast, Delhi NCR and Navi Mumbai have bucked the trend, with projected increases of 22% and 4% in home sales, respectively. Across these nine cities, total home sales during the July-September quarter are estimated to be around 1,04,393 units, down from 1,26,848 units in the same period last year, reflecting an 18% overall decline.

CityPercentage Change in Home SalesEstimated Home Sales (July-September)
Hyderabad-42%12,082 units
Bengaluru-26%Estimated (not specified)
Kolkata-23%Estimated (not specified)
Pune-19%Estimated (not specified)
Chennai-18%Estimated (not specified)
Mumbai-17%Estimated (not specified)
Thane-10%Estimated (not specified)
Delhi NCR+22%Estimated (not specified)
Navi Mumbai+4%Estimated (not specified)
Overall Total-18%1,04,393 units (across all surveyed cities)
Hyderabad Real Estate Market Decline

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Sales in Hyderabad are Restricted to Just 12,000 Units

In Hyderabad, PropEquity estimates that home sales for the July-September quarter could be limited to just 12,082 units, a sharp decline from the 20,658 units sold during the same period last year. This dramatic decrease places Hyderabad at the forefront of cities experiencing a downturn in real estate activity. It is particularly noteworthy given Hyderabad’s previous position as a leader in home sales, often surpassing other metropolitan cities like Mumbai and Bengaluru in terms of growth. The rapid reversal of fortunes has raised concerns among industry stakeholders about the market’s future trajectory.

The ‘HYDRA Effect’: A Major Disruptor

One of the most significant factors contributing to the decline in Hyderabad’s real estate market is what has been termed the ‘HYDRA Effect.’ This refers to the impact of the Hyderabad Disaster Response and Asset Monitoring and Protection Agency (HYDRA) on the city’s real estate landscape. The agency’s stringent enforcement actions against illegal constructions have created widespread apprehension among potential buyers, leading to a sharp decline in property transactions.

Fears Surrounding Illegal Layouts

There is growing concern among prospective homebuyers regarding properties in areas affected by illegal layouts. HYDRA’s aggressive crackdown on unauthorized constructions has fostered a climate of uncertainty and fear. Buyers are increasingly hesitant to invest in properties that could face future legal challenges or demolition orders, resulting in a significant demand reduction.

Hyderabad Real Estate

Impact on Property Values

The perception of risk associated with purchasing properties in certain neighborhoods has led to a dramatic drop in property values. Even substantial price reductions have failed to attract buyers, as concerns over potential legal issues continue to overshadow the market. For example, land prices in some areas that once commanded premium rates have nosedived, with some properties seeing values drop from ₹25 crores to as low as ₹5 crores, yet remaining unsold.

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General Market Sentiment

The overall sentiment in Hyderabad’s real estate market has soured due to the ‘HYDRA Effect.’ Realtors and business owners have expressed frustration, arguing that the actions of a few wrongdoers have unfairly tarnished the entire construction sector. This has led to a significant slowdown in new property sales, with fears that the market could experience conditions reminiscent of the COVID-19 crisis if the current trend continues.

Seasonal Sales Expectations Unmet

Historically, the festive seasons of Dussehra and Diwali have been a time of increased real estate activity, with housing sales typically seeing an uptick. However, this year, the anticipated seasonal momentum is notably absent. Buyers remain cautious, avoiding new investments amid ongoing fears related to HYDRA’s enforcement actions. The lack of festive season sales is a clear indicator of the deep-seated concerns that have taken hold of the market.

Key Factors Driving the Decline in House Sales

Several interrelated factors are contributing to the decline in house sales in Hyderabad. These include:

Economic Uncertainty: The ongoing economic challenges, including inflation and rising interest rates, have made potential buyers more cautious. Many are postponing their home purchases, waiting for more favorable economic conditions before committing to significant investments.

High Property Prices: Despite the downturn in sales, property prices in Hyderabad remain relatively high, particularly in comparison to other cities. This has made it difficult for many first-time buyers to enter the market, leading to a slowdown in sales.

Oversupply of Housing Units: There is a significant oversupply of residential properties in Hyderabad, with a reported inventory of over 128,000 unsold units. This glut has created a situation where demand is not keeping pace with supply, leading to a stagnation in sales. The number of new launches has also decreased sharply, with a 58% drop reported in recent quarters, further exacerbating the issue.

Impact of General Elections: The recent general elections have contributed to a slowdown in housing sales as potential buyers adopted a “wait-and-watch” strategy, deferring their real estate investments until after the elections. This political uncertainty has made buyers hesitant to make long-term commitments.

Real Estate

Rising Interest Rates: Increased borrowing costs due to rising interest rates have made home loans more expensive. Higher equated monthly installments (EMIs) can deter potential buyers from entering the market, leading to a further decline in sales.

Changing Buyer Preferences: There is a noticeable shift in preferences among buyers, with many opting for rental properties over purchasing homes. This trend reflects changing lifestyles and economic priorities, particularly in light of the current economic climate.

The Impact of Oversupply on Resale Values

The oversupply of properties, especially in the luxury segment, is putting downward pressure on resale values. This oversupply has led to several challenges in the resale market:

Increased Competition for Buyers: With an excess of unsold inventory, developers are offering attractive discounts and incentives to lure buyers. This makes it difficult for individual sellers to compete, forcing them to lower their asking prices to make their properties more appealing in a competitive market.

Longer Time to Sell: Properties are taking significantly longer to sell due to the oversupply. Sellers may have to wait months or even years to find a buyer willing to meet their asking price, which can be frustrating for those needing to sell quickly due to personal or financial reasons.

Downward Pressure on Prices: The increased competition and prolonged selling times are exerting downward pressure on resale prices. Sellers may have to accept offers that are significantly lower than their original asking price, and in some cases, they may even have to sell at a loss to avoid holding onto the property for an extended period.

Difficulty Obtaining Loans: Banks and financial institutions may be hesitant to provide loans for properties in oversupplied areas, perceiving a higher risk of default. This can further reduce demand and put additional pressure on resale values.

Localized Impact: The impact of oversupply on resale values is more pronounced in specific areas with a high concentration of new launches and unsold inventory. Areas like Gachibowli, Madhapur, and Kondapur, which have seen significant development in recent years, are more affected than other parts of the city.

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Long-Term Implications and Market Outlook

The combination of high property prices, oversupply of inventory, and buyer hesitance due to regulatory fears could create a challenging environment for both developers and potential homeowners in the long term. The ‘HYDRA Effect’ encapsulates the complex interplay between regulatory enforcement against illegal constructions and its detrimental impact on buyer confidence and property values. If this situation persists, it could lead to long-term stagnation in Hyderabad’s real estate market.

However, experts suggest that with the right policy interventions and economic stabilization, there could be a gradual improvement in sales figures in the coming months. Developers may need to focus on addressing buyer concerns, offering more affordable housing options, and navigating the regulatory landscape effectively to restore confidence in the market.


Hyderabad’s real estate sector is facing significant challenges, with a substantial decline in house sales driven by a combination of economic factors, oversupply, and changing buyer behaviors. The ongoing fears related to HYDRA’s enforcement actions have further exacerbated the situation, leading to a cautious and uncertain market environment. The future of Hyderabad’s real estate market will depend on how these challenges are addressed and whether the market can adapt to the changing dynamics.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1.What is the ‘HYDRA Effect,’ and how has it impacted Hyderabad’s real estate market?

The ‘HYDRA Effect’ refers to the impact of the Hyderabad Disaster Response and Asset Monitoring and Protection Agency’s (HYDRA) strict enforcement actions against illegal constructions. This has led to buyer apprehension, contributing significantly to the decline in property transactions in Hyderabad.

Q2.Why have house sales in Hyderabad declined by 42%?

The 42% decline in house sales is due to a combination of factors, including economic uncertainty, high property prices, an oversupply of housing units, and fears related to HYDRA’s enforcement actions against illegal constructions.

Q3.What areas in Hyderabad are most affected by the oversupply of housing units?

Areas like Gachibowli, Madhapur, and Kondapur, which have seen significant development in recent years, are particularly affected by the oversupply of housing units, leading to challenges in the resale market and downward pressure on property values.

Q4.How has the market sentiment in Hyderabad’s real estate sector changed?

The market sentiment has soured due to the combined effects of the HYDRA Effect, economic challenges, and oversupply. Many potential buyers are hesitant, leading to a slowdown in new property sales and a cautious market environment.

Q5.What are the long-term implications of the current downturn in Hyderabad’s real estate market?

If the current challenges persist, including regulatory fears and economic uncertainty, Hyderabad’s real estate market could face long-term stagnation. However, with the right policy interventions and economic stabilization, there could be a gradual improvement in sales figures.

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