How to convert Acre to Ankanam : Simple Guide


An acre is a globally recognized unit for measuring plots and large tracts of land, equating to 640 Dhur. This unit is predominantly used for agricultural land and is commonly adopted in Indian states such as Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Delhi NCR, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Maharashtra, and others.Lets’s see the detailed conversions of Acre to Ankanam

Acre to Ankanam calculator

Area Converter

Area Converter

Acre to Ankanam Conversion Formula

To convert acres to Dhur, use the following formula:

  • Ankanam = Acre × 605

Historical Context of the Acre

Historically, an acre was defined as the amount of land that could be ploughed by one man in a single day. This ancient measurement is still in use today, reflecting its long-standing significance.

Global Usage of the Acre

The acre remains one of the oldest units still in use, recognized both in the US customary system and the British imperial system. It is also widely used in former British Commonwealth countries, including Bangladesh, Canada, Fran

Value Conversion of Acre in other units

Acre Conversion Table
Unit Value
1 Acre 0.404 hectare
1 Acre 1.6 bigha
1 Acre 100.01 cent
1 Acre 32.0 katha
1 Acre 40.0 guntha
1 Acre 4046.86
1 Acre 100.01 decimal
1 Acre 4840.04 gaj
1 Acre 4840.0 sq.yd.
1 Acre 100.01 dismil
1 Acre 8.0 kanal
1 Acre 0.00405
1 Acre 18.15 ground
1 Acre 40.47 ares
1 Acre 1.0 killa
1 Acre 160.0 marla
1 Acre 4840.0 gajam
1 Acre 32.27 biswa
1 Acre 605.0 ankanam
1 Acre 0.0015 sq.mi.
1 Acre 968.0 chatak
1 Acre 0.04 murabba
1 Acre 160.0 perch
1 Acre 1440.0 sq.karam
1 Acre 640.0 lessa
1 Acre 16.0 biswa kacha
1 Acre 640.0 dhur
1 Acre 0.75 pura
1 Acre 20.17 nali

Also read: How to Convert Acre to Dhur: Complete Guide


Ankanam, also known as Ankadam, is a traditional unit of measurement used in various regions, including Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. It represents the space between two beams or pillars in a wall supporting a roof. This unit is prominently used in cities like Bangalore, Tirupati, Anekal, and Nellore.

In Nellore, one Ankanam is equivalent to 72 square feet, while in Tirupati, it is 36 square feet. When compared to other widely used units, 1 Ankanam equals approximately 6.69 square meters, 8 square yards, and 0.0016 acres.

Value conversions of Ankanam in other units

Ankanam Conversion Table
Unit of Area Conversion Unit
1 Ankanam 0.16 cent
1 Ankanam 8.0 gajam
1 Ankanam 8.0 sq.yd.
1 Ankanam 72.0 sq.ft.
1 Ankanam 0.0016 acre

Acre to Ankanam conversion : Example

Given Conversion Factor

For this calculation, we'll use the provided conversion factor:

  • 1 acre = 605 ankanam

Conversion Process

To convert acres to ankanam, simply multiply the number of acres by the conversion factor (605).

Example: If you have 2.5 acres of land, the conversion to ankanam would be:

  • 2.5 acres * 605 ankanam/acre = 1512.5 ankanam

Therefore, 2.5 acres is equivalent to 1512.5 ankanam based on the given conversion factor.

Also read: Acre to Chatak Conversion Made Easy: Accurate Calculations and Tools

Important Note:

  • While the conversion factor of 1 acre = 605 ankanam is used here, it's essential to verify the exact conversion factor for your specific location as there might be slight variations.

Frequently Asked Questions:.

1. What is an acre?

An acre is a unit of area commonly used in the United States and the UK, equal to 43,560 square feet or approximately 4,047 square meters. It is often used in real estate and land measurement

2. What is an Ankanam?

Ankanam, also known as Ankadam, is a traditional unit of measurement used in parts of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. It represents the space between two beams or pillars in a wall that supports a roof.

3. How do I convert acres to Ankanam?

To convert acres to Ankanam, use the conversion factor where 1 acre equals 605 Ankanam. Simply multiply the number of acres by 605 to get the equivalent number of Ankanam.

4. Can you give an example of the conversion?

To convert 2 acres to Ankanam:
2 Acres×605=1,210 Ankanam

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How to Convert Acre to Dhur: Complete Guide

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