Hectare to Cent Convert Online

Hectare to cent
Hectare to cent

Area Converter

About Hectare

One of the few metric land measuring units widely used worldwide is the hectare. The symbol for it is ‘ha’. Although the hectare is the fundamental metric unit of land measurement, its popularity has increased. The acre and the hectare are distinct in that the acre is a unit of area and the hectare is a metric unit, even though the acre is also frequently used to measure land worldwide.

1 Hectare =247.157687 Cent

The regions where it is most often used include Australia, Burma, Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union, and India. The hectare is called manzana in Argentina, bunder in the Netherlands, gong qing in China, and jerib in Iran.

A hectare is comparable to 10,000 square meters, or 2.471 acres, in the British Imperial System. A farm with 100 hectares of land therefore has a total size of 1 square kilometre.

For example, a football pitch is one hectare in Europe.

Dimensions of Hectare

 1 Hectare 2.47 acres
 1 Hectare 10,000 square meters
 1 Hectare 107, 639 sqft
 1 Hectare 11,959 square yards
 1 Hectare 100000000 sq cm

About Cent

The cent is a traditional unit of measurement for land that is mostly used in India. States in south India, including Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Telangana, utilize the cent unit.

It is mostly used to measure adjacent one-acre property parcels and smaller pieces of land.

A cent is defined as one-hundredth of an acre so that 100 cents equals one acre. Furthermore, 435.6 square feet (sq ft) equals one cent.

Dimensions of Cent

 1 Cent 0.004 Hectare
 1 Cent 0.01 Acre
 100 Cents 1 Acre
 1 Cent 40.47 sq m
 1 Cent 48.4 sq yd
 1 Cent 435.6 sq ft

Also, Know Other Conversions

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’s)

1Q: How many Cents are equal to 1 Hectare?

Ans: 247.157687 Cents are equal to 1 Hectare.


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