Exploring the 1008 Names of Goddess Lakshmi: Meaning and Significance



1008 Names of Goddess Lakshmi In Hindu tradition, the divine feminine energy is celebrated through various forms and manifestations, embodying qualities of power, wisdom, and grace. The concept of “Shakti,” or divine feminine energy, is central to many Hindu spiritual practices and beliefs. Among the most revered representations of Shakti are the goddesses, each embodying unique attributes and virtues.

1008 Names of Goddess Lakshmi Meaning known as “Ashtakshara Shakti Names,” reflect the diverse and multifaceted nature of the divine feminine. These names not only honor the goddesses but also serve as powerful tools for meditation and spiritual growth. Each name is associated with a specific aspect of divine energy, offering devotees a way to connect with different qualities and seek blessings.

In this article, we will explore the significance of 1008 prominent goddess names, providing their mantras, English transliterations, and meanings. These names capture the essence of each goddess, highlighting their unique attributes and roles in Hindu mythology. By understanding these names, practitioners can deepen their spiritual practices, invoking the qualities and blessings of the goddesses in their lives.

Importance and significance :

The 1008 Names of Goddess Lakshmi, known as the “Ashtakshara Lakshmi Stotra” or “Lakshmi Ashtakshara”, hold immense importance and significance in Hindu spirituality and devotion. Here’s an exploration of their key aspects:

1. Symbolism of Divine Qualities

  • Divine Attributes: Each of the 1008 names represents a specific attribute or quality of Goddess Lakshmi, the embodiment of wealth, prosperity, and well-being. These names collectively illustrate her multifaceted nature.
  • Symbolic Representation: The names often reflect different aspects of her divine personality, including her role as a nurturer, protector, and provider of both material and spiritual abundance.

2. Spiritual Significance

  • Enhancing Devotion: Chanting or reciting these names is believed to deepen the devotee’s connection with Goddess Lakshmi, fostering a sense of devotion and reverence.
  • Spiritual Benefits: The names are considered powerful tools for invoking the goddess’s blessings. Devotees believe that regular recitation can lead to spiritual upliftment, inner peace, and divine grace.

3. Ritualistic Importance

  • Ceremonial Use: In various rituals and ceremonies, the recitation of these 1008 names is an essential practice. It is often performed during Lakshmi Puja and other religious events to honor the goddess.
  • Cleansing and Purification: The act of reciting these names is thought to purify the mind and soul, removing negativity and inviting positive energy into one’s life.

4. Enhancing Prosperity and Well-Being

  • Material Prosperity: Goddess Lakshmi is associated with wealth and prosperity. Reciting her 1008 names is believed to attract financial stability and success.
  • Holistic Well-Being: Beyond material wealth, the names also signify overall well-being, including health, happiness, and harmony in life.

5. Scriptural and Historical Context

  • Scriptural Reference: These names are derived from various Hindu scriptures, including the Puranas and Vedas, which highlight their importance in Vedic and devotional practices.
  • Historical Reverence: Over centuries, the 1008 names have been revered by sages and devotees alike, becoming an integral part of Hindu devotional literature and practices.

6. Psychological and Emotional Impact

  • Focus and Concentration: The practice of reciting these names helps devotees focus their minds and hearts on divine qualities, promoting mental clarity and emotional stability.
  • Positive Affirmations: The names serve as positive affirmations, reinforcing virtues such as abundance, grace, and purity in the lives of those who recite them.

7. Universal Appeal

  • Inclusivity: The 1008 names are appreciated across different sects and traditions within Hinduism, showcasing their universal appeal and acceptance as a means to connect with the divine feminine.

In summary, the 1008 Names of Goddess Lakshmi embody the divine qualities of the goddess, serving as a potent spiritual practice for devotion, prosperity, and well-being. Their significance spans ritualistic, spiritual, and personal realms, making them a revered aspect of Hindu worship and spiritual practice.

The Table with 1000 names, including their Sanskrit forms, transliterations, and meanings:

1Nityagataॐ नित्यागतायै नमः।Om Nityagatayai NamahThe Goddess Who Keeps on Traveling
2Anantanityaॐ अनन्तनित्यायै नमः।Om Anantanityayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Endless and is Forever
3Nandiniॐ नन्दिन्यै नमः।Om Nandinyai NamahThe Goddess Who Makes Others Happy/The Daughter of Nandagopa
4Janaranjaniॐ जनरञ्जन्यै नमः।Om Janaranjanyai NamahThe Goddess Who Makes People Happy
5Nitya Prakashiniॐ नित्यप्रकाशिन्यै नमः।Om Nityaprakashinyai NamahThe Goddess Who Shines Permanently
6Swaprakasha Swarupiniॐ स्वप्रकाशस्वरूपिण्यै नमः।Om Swaprakashaswarupinyai NamahThe Goddess Who is Naturally Shining
7Maha Lakshmiॐ महालक्ष्म्यै नमः।Om Mahalakshmyai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Great Lakshmi
8Mahakaliॐ महाकाल्यै नमः।Om Mahakalyai NamahThe Goddess Who is Black in Colour
9Mahakanyaॐ महाकन्यायै नमः।Om Mahakanyayai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Great Virgin
10Saraswatiॐ सरस्वत्यै नमः।Om Saraswatyai NamahThe Goddess of Knowledge, Music and the Arts
11Bhoga-vaibhava-sandhatriॐ भोगवैभवसन्धात्र्यै नमः।Om Bhogavaibhavasandhatryai NamahThe Goddess Who Gives Pleasure and Wealth
12Bhaktanugrahakariniॐ भक्तानुग्रहकारिण्यै नमः।Om Bhaktanugrahakarinyai NamahThe Goddess Who Blesses Her Devotees
13Ishavasyaॐ ईशावास्यायै नमः।Om Ishavasyayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Everywhere
14Mahamayaॐ महामायायै नमः।Om Mahamayayai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Great Enchantress
15Mahadeviॐ महादेव्यै नमः।Om Mahadevyai NamahThe One Who is the Great Goddess
16Maheshwariॐ महेश्वर्यै नमः।Om Maheshwaryai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Wife of Great Shiva
17Hrullekhaॐ हृल्लेखायै नमः।Om Hrillekhayai NamahThe Goddess Who is in Letter Hreem
18Paramaaॐ परमायै नमः।Om Paramayai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Greatest
19Shaktiॐ शक्त्यै नमः।Om Shaktyai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Power
20Matruka-beeja-roopiniॐ मातृकाबीजरूपिण्यै नमः।Om Matrikabijarupinyai NamahThe Goddess Who is Model Root Letter
21Nithayanandaॐ नित्यानन्दायै नमः।Om Nityanandayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Forever Happy
22Nityabodhaॐ नित्यबोधायै नमः।Om Nityabodhayai NamahThe Goddess Who has Permanent Wisdom
23Naadiniॐ नादिन्यै नमः।Om Nadinyai NamahThe Goddess Who Makes Musical Note
24Janamodiniॐ जन्मोदिन्यै नमः।Om Janmodinyai NamahThe Goddess Who Entertains People
25Satya-pratyayaniॐ सत्यप्रत्ययिन्यै नमः।Om Satyapratyayinyai NamahThe Goddess Who Believes in Truth
26Swaprakashatma-roopiniॐ स्वप्रकाशात्मरूपिण्यै नमः।Om Swaprakashatmarupinyai NamahThe Goddess Who Herself has a Shining Form
27Tripuraॐ त्रिपुरायै नमः।Om Tripurayai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Wife of Shiva Who Destroyed the Three Cities
28Bhairaviॐ भैरव्यै नमः।Om Bhairavyai NamahThe Goddess Who has a Fearful Form
29Vidyaaॐ विद्यायै नमः।Om Vidyayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Knowledge
30Hamsaaॐ हंसायै नमः।Om Hansayai NamahThe Goddess Who is the “Hamsa” chant
31Vagishwariॐ वागीश्वर्यै नमः।Om Vagishwaryai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Goddess of Words
32Shivaaॐ शिवायै नमः।Om Shivayai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Consort of Lord Shiva
33Vagdeviॐ वाग्देव्यै नमः।Om Vagdevyai NamahThe One Who is the Goddess of Words
34Maharatriॐ महारात्र्यै नमः।Om Maharatryai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Night Before the Deluge
35Kalaratriॐ कालरात्र्यै नमः।Om Kalaratryai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Night Before Death
36Trilochanaॐ त्रिलोचनायै नमः।Om Trilochanayai NamahThe Goddess Who has Three Eyes
37Bhadrakaliॐ भद्रकाल्यै नमः।Om Bhadrakalyai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Kali Who Protects
38Karaliॐ कराल्यै नमः।Om Karalyai NamahThe Goddess Who is Fearsome
39Mahakaliॐ महाकाल्यै नमः।Om Mahakalyai NamahThe Goddess Who Swallows Time
40Tilottamaॐ तिलोत्तमायै नमः।Om Tilottamayai NamahThe Goddess Whose Every Atom is Pretty
41Kaliॐ काल्यै नमः।Om Kalyai NamahThe Goddess Who is Black
42Karalavaktrantaॐ करालवक्त्रान्तायै नमः।Om Karalavaktrantayai NamahThe Goddess Who has a Horrifying Mouth
43Kamakshiॐ कामाक्ष्यै नमः।Om Kamakshyai NamahThe Goddess Who Fulfills Desires by Her Eyes
44Kamadaॐ कामदायै नमः।Om Kamadayai NamahThe Goddess Who Fulfills Desires
45Shubhaॐ शुभायै नमः।Om Shubhayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Auspicious
46Chandikaॐ चण्डिकायै नमः।Om Chandikayai NamahThe Goddess Who has Great Anger (or) The Goddess who Killed Mahishasura
47Chandarupeshaॐ चण्डरुपेशायै नमः।Om Chandarupeshayai NamahThe Goddess Who has a Fearsome Form
48Chanchalaॐ चञ्चलायै नमः।Om Chanchalayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Unstable
49Vicharaॐ विचारायै नमः।Om Vicharayai NamahThe Goddess Who is in Meditation
50Swadhisthanaॐ स्वाधिष्ठानायै नमः।Om Swadhisthanayai NamahThe Goddess Who is in Root Chakra
51Lilaॐ लीलाई नमः।Om Lilayai NamahThe Goddess Who is in Divine Play
52Virajaॐ विराटायै नमः।Om Viratayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Pure
53Anantaॐ अनन्तायै नमः।Om Anantayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Eternal
54Aditiॐ अदितायै नमः।Om Aditayai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Mother of the Gods
55Vishvambharaॐ विश्वम्भरायै नमः।Om Vishvambharayai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Sustainer of the Universe
56Sattvashuddhiॐ सत्त्वशुद्धायै नमः।Om Sattvashuddhayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Purity of Being
57Kshamaॐ क्षमायै नमः।Om Kshamayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Forgiveness
58Sharadaॐ सरदायै नमः।Om Sharadayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Knowledgeable and Auspicious
59Shubhanandaॐ शुभानन्दायै नमः।Om Shubhanandayayai NamahThe Goddess Who Brings Auspicious Joy
60Prakritiॐ प्रकृत्यै नमः।Om Prakritiyai NamahThe Goddess Who is Nature
61Gauriॐ गौरीयै नमः।Om Gauriyai NamahThe Goddess Who is Fair and Beautiful
62Tanviॐ तन्वि यै नमः।Om Tanviyai NamahThe Goddess Who is Delicate and Beautiful
63Kalyaniॐ काल्यै नमः।Om Kalyai NamahThe Goddess Who is Auspicious
64Anaghaॐ अनघायै नमः।Om Anaghayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Sinless
65Deepaॐ दीपायै नमः।Om Deepayai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Light
66Vamshikaॐ वंशिकायै नमः।Om Vamshikayai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Lineage
67Mridulaॐ मृदुलायै नमः।Om Mridulayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Soft and Tender
68Durgaॐ दुर्गायै नमः।Om Durgayai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Protector
69Padmaॐ पद्मायै नमः।Om Padmayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Lotus
70Adhiraॐ अधिरायै नमः।Om Adhirayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Moving
71Amritapadmaॐ अमृतपद्मायै नमः।Om Amritapadmiyayai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Lotus of Nectar
72Anupamaॐ अनुपमायै नमः।Om Anupamayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Incomparable
73Aishwaryaॐ ऐश्वर्यायै नमः।Om Aishwaryayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Wealth
74Akhilaॐ अखिलायै नमः।Om Akhilayai NamahThe Goddess Who is All-Encompassing
75Charitaॐ चरितायै नमः।Om Charitayai NamahThe Goddess Who has a Good Character
76Vaiduryaॐ वैद्युर्यायै नमः।Om Vaiduryayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Gem-like
77Ishvariॐ ईश्वर्यै नमः।Om Ishvaryai NamahThe Goddess Who is Divine
78Lakshmiॐ लक्ष्म्यै नमः।Om Lakshmyai NamahThe Goddess Who is Prosperity
79Maithiliॐ मैथिल्यै नमः।Om Maithilyai NamahThe Goddess Who is from Mithila
80Kamaliniॐ कामलिन्यै नमः।Om Kamalinyai NamahThe Goddess Who is Like a Lotus
81Kalpavrikshaॐ कल्पवृक्षायै नमः।Om Kalpavrikshayai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Wish-Fulfilling Tree
82Rukminiॐ रुक्मिण्यै नमः।Om Rukminyai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Consort of Krishna
83Purnimaॐ पूर्णिमायै नमः।Om Purnimayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Complete
84Sangitaॐ सङ्गितायै नमः।Om Sangitayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Music
85Lajjaॐ लज्जायै नमः।Om Lajjayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Modesty
86Chandrikaॐ चन्द्रिकायै नमः।Om Chandrikayai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Moonlight
87Manjariॐ मञ्जर्यै नमः।Om Manjaryai NamahThe Goddess Who is a Blossom
88Kanakangiॐ कनकाङ्ग्यै नमः।Om Kanakangyai NamahThe Goddess Who is Golden-Limbed
89Kalapiniॐ कल्पिन्यै नमः।Om Kalapinyai NamahThe Goddess Who is Time-related
90Vamaॐ वामायै नमः।Om Vamayayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Left-Handed
91Kaviॐ कव्यै नमः।Om Kavayai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Poet
92Mangalyaॐ मङ्गल्यै नमः।Om Mangalyai NamahThe Goddess Who is Auspicious
93Vyjayanthiॐ विजयन्त्यै नमः।Om Vyajayanthiyai NamahThe Goddess Who is Victorious
94Ekantaॐ एकान्तायै नमः।Om Ekantayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Solitary
95Yoginiॐ योगिन्यै नमः।Om Yogyinyai NamahThe Goddess Who Practices Yoga
96Surabhiॐ सुरभीयै नमः।Om Surabhiyai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Fragrant Cow
97Sushilaॐ सुशीलायै नमः।Om Sushilayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Well-behaved
98Sushmitaॐ सुष्मितायै नमः।Om Sushmitayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Lovely
99Aditiॐ अदितायै नमः।Om Aditayai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Boundless One
100Ratnaॐ रत्नायै नमः।Om Ratnayai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Jewel
SL. No.NameSanskritTransliterationDescription
101Mahamataॐ महामात्रे नमः।Om Mahamatre NamahThe Goddess Who is the Great Mother
102Sarva-mantra-phalapradaॐ सर्वमन्त्रफलप्रदायै नमः।Om Sarvamantraphalapradayai NamahThe Goddess Who Makes All Mantras Yield Results
103Daridrya dhvamsiniॐ दारिद्र्यध्वंसिन्यै नमः।Om Daridryadhvansinyai NamahThe Goddess Who Destroys Poverty
104Deviॐ देव्यै नमः।Om Devyai NamahThe Goddess
105Hridaya-granthi-bhediniॐ हृदयग्रन्थिभेदिन्यै नमः।Om Hridayagranthibhedinyai NamahThe Goddess Who Breaks the Knot of Heart
106Sahasraditya-sankashaॐ सहस्रादित्यसङ्काशायै नमः।Om Sahasradityasankashayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Like One Thousand Suns
107Chandrikaॐ चन्द्रिकायै नमः।Om Chandrikayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Like the Light of Moon
108Chandra roopiniॐ चन्द्ररूपिण्यै नमः।Om Chandrarupinyai NamahThe Goddess Who has the Form of Moon
109Gayatriॐ गायत्र्यै नमः।Om Gayatryai NamahThe Goddess Who is Gayathri Mantra
110Soma sambhutiॐ सोमसम्भूत्यै नमः।Om Somasambhutyai NamahThe Goddess Who Wears the Crescent
111Savitriॐ सावित्र्यै नमः।Om Savitryai NamahThe Goddess Who Gave Birth to Vedas
112Pranavatmikaॐ प्रणवात्मिकायै नमः।Om Pranavatmikayai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Soul of Pranava
113Shaankariॐ शाङ्कर्यै नमः।Om Shankaryai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Consort of Shiva
114Vaishnaviॐ वैष्णव्यै नमः।Om Vaishnavyai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Consort of Vishnu
115Brahmiॐ ब्राह्मयै नमः।Om Brahmayai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Aspect of Brahma
116Sarvadeva-namaskritaॐ सर्वदेवनमस्कृतायै नमः।Om Sarvadevanamaskritayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Saluted by All Devas
117Sevyadurgaॐ सेव्यदुर्गायै नमः।Om Sevyadurgayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Durga Who Should be Saluted
118Kuberakshiॐ कुबेराक्ष्यै नमः।Om Kuberakshyai NamahThe Goddess Who by Her Mere Glance can Make a Man Rich
119Karaveera nivasiniॐ करवीरनिवासिन्यै नमः।Om Karaviranivasinyai NamahThe Goddess Who lives in Nerium Oleander (Kaner) Flowers
120Jayaॐ जयायै नमः।Om Jayayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Victorious
121Vijayaॐ विजयायै नमः।Om Vijayayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Ever Victorious
122Jayantiॐ जयन्त्यै नमः।Om Jayantyai NamahThe Goddess Who Always Wins Everywhere
123Aparajitaॐ अपराजितायै नमः।Om Aparajitayai NamahThe Goddess Who Cannot be Defeated
124Kubjikaॐ कुब्जिकायै नमः।Om Kubjikayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Curled up and Sleeping
125Kalikaॐ कालिकायै नमः।Om Kalikayai NamahThe Goddess Who is in the Form of Kali
126Shastriॐ शास्त्र्यै नमः।Om Shastryai NamahThe Goddess Who Rules Over Knowledge
127Veenapustaka dhariniॐ वीणापुस्तकधारिण्यै नमः।Om Vinapustakadharinyai NamahThe Goddess Who Carried a Book and a Veena
128Sarvagya shaktiॐ सर्वज्ञशक्त्यै नमः।Om Sarvajnashaktyai NamahThe Goddess Who is Power behind Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva
129Sri Shaktiॐ श्रीशक्त्यै नमः।Om Shrishaktyai NamahThe Goddess Who is Power of Wisdom
130Brahma Vishnu Shivatmikaॐ ब्रह्मविष्णुशिवात्मिकायै नमः।Om Brahmavishnushivatmikayai NamahThe Goddess Who takes the Form of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva
131Ida-pingalika-madhya-mrinali-tanturoopiniॐ इडापिङ्गलिकामध्यमृणाली-तन्तुरूपिण्यै नमः।Om Idapingalikamadhyanrinali-tanturupinyai NamahThe Goddess Who goes in Between Ida and Pingala and Reaches the Sahasrara
132Yagyeshaaniॐ यज्ञेशान्यै नमः।Om Yajneshanyai NamahThe Goddess Who Rules Over Yajnas
133Prathaॐ प्रथायै नमः।Om Prathayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Famous
134Dikshaॐ दीक्षायै नमः।Om Dikshayai NamahThe Goddess Who Gives You License to do Yajna
135Dakshinaॐ दक्षिणायै नमः।Om Dakshinayai NamahThe Goddess Who is an Expert
136Sarva Mohiniॐ सर्वमोहिन्यै नमः।Om Sarvamohinyai NamahThe Goddess Who is Prettier than All
137Ashtanga yoginiॐ अष्टाङ्गयोगिन्यै नमः।Om Ashtangayoginyai NamahThe Goddess Who can be Seen by Eight Fold Yoga
138Deviॐ देव्यै नमः।Om Devyai NamahThe Goddess
139Nirbeeja-dhyana-gocharaaॐ निर्बीजध्यानगोचरायै नमः।Om Nirbijadhyanagocharayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Visible to Those Who Meditate Using Yoga
140Sarvatirtha-sthitaaॐ सर्वतीर्थस्थितायै नमः।Om Sarvatirthasthitayai NamahThe Goddess Who is in All Sacred Waters
141Shuddhaॐ शुद्धायै नमः।Om Shuddhayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Eternally Pure
142Sarva parvata vasiniॐ सर्वपर्वतवासिन्यै नमः।Om Sarvaparvatavasinyai NamahThe Goddess Who Lives on All Mountains
143Veda Shashtrapramaॐ वेदशास्त्रप्रमायै नमः।Om Vedashastrapramayai NamahThe Goddess Who Throws Light on Vedas and Sasthras
144Deviॐ देव्यै नमः।Om Devyai NamahThe Goddess
145Vishnu moortiॐ विष्णुमूर्त्यै नमः।Om Vishnumurtyai NamahThe Goddess Who is in the Form of Vishnu
146Shaktiॐ शक्त्यै नमः।Om Shaktyai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Power
147Tripuraॐ त्रिपुरायै नमः।Om Tripurayai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Essence of Three Worlds
148Sarvamangalaॐ सर्वमङ्गलायै नमः।Om Sarvamangalayai NamahThe Goddess Who is All Auspicious
149Maha Gauriॐ महागौर्यै नमः।Om Mahagauryai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Great Shining One
150Umaॐ उमायै नमः।Om Umayai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Supreme Mother
SL. No.NameSanskritTransliterationDescription
151Kamalapriyaॐ कमलप्रियायै नमः।Om Kamalapriyayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Dear to Lotus
152Jagadambaॐ जगदम्बायै नमः।Om Jagadambayai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Mother of the World
153Gangaॐ गङ्गायै नमः।Om Gangayai NamahThe Goddess Who is the River Ganges
154Lakshmiॐ लक्ष्म्यै नमः।Om Lakshmyai NamahThe Goddess Who is Wealth and Prosperity
155Annapurnaॐ अन्नपूर्णायै नमः।Om Annapurnayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Full of Food
156Narmadaॐ नर्मदायै नमः।Om Narmadayai NamahThe Goddess Who is the River Narmada
157Saraswatiॐ सरस्वत्यै नमः।Om Saraswatyai NamahThe Goddess Who is Knowledge and Wisdom
158Tripurasundariॐ त्रिपुरसुन्दरीyai नमः।Om Tripurasundariyai NamahThe Goddess Who is Beautiful in Three Worlds
159Bhairaviॐ भैरवायै नमः।Om Bhairavayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Fierce and Formidable
160Durgaॐ दुर्गायै नमः।Om Durgayai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Unconquerable One
161Chandraॐ चन्द्राय नमः।Om Chandrayai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Moon
162Rukminiॐ रुक्मिण्यै नमः।Om Rukminiyai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Consort of Krishna
163Kamalaॐ कमलायै नमः।Om Kamalayi NamahThe Goddess Who is the Lotus
164Varalakshmiॐ वरलक्ष्म्यै नमः।Om Varalakshmyai NamahThe Goddess Who Grants Boons
165Lalitaॐ ललितायै नमः।Om Lalitayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Playful and Charming
166Vishalakshiॐ विशालाक्ष्यै नमः।Om Vishalakshyai NamahThe Goddess Who has Large Eyes
167Bhavaniॐ भवानीyai नमः।Om Bhavaniyai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Source of Creation
168Mahalakshmiॐ महालक्ष्म्यै नमः।Om Mahalakshmyai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Great Lakshmi
169Shubhamangalaॐ शुभमङ्गलायै नमः।Om Shubhamangalayai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Auspicious and Sacred
170Nityaॐ नित्याय नमः।Om Nityayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Eternal
171Sitaॐ सीतायै नमः।Om Sitayai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Wife of Rama
172Deviॐ देव्यै नमः।Om Devyai NamahThe Goddess
173Rajarajeswariॐ राजराजेश्वर्यै नमः।Om Rajarajeswaryai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Queen of Queens
174Kundaliniॐ कुण्डलिनी नमः।Om Kundalini NamahThe Goddess Who is the Divine Energy
175Jnana-dharaॐ ज्ञानधारिण्यै नमः।Om Jnana-dharinyai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Source of Wisdom
176Vagdeviॐ वाग्देव्यै नमः।Om Vagdevyai NamahThe Goddess Who is Speech
177Jagannathaॐ जगन्नाथाय नमः।Om Jagannathay NamahThe Goddess Who is the Lord of the Universe
178Mahadeviॐ महादेव्यै नमः।Om Mahadeviyai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Great Goddess
179Kantiॐ कान्तायै नमः।Om Kantayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Beautiful
180Mandakiniॐ मन्दाकिन्यै नमः।Om Mandakinyai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Sacred River
SL. No.NameSanskritTransliterationDescription
181Bhuvaneshwariॐ भुवनेश्वर्यै नमः।Om Bhuvaneshwaryai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Queen of the World
182Kalpataruॐ कल्पतरुः नमः।Om Kalpataruh NamahThe Goddess Who is the Wish-fulfilling Tree
183Savitriॐ सावित्र्यै नमः।Om Savitryai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Essence of the Sun
184Vaniॐ वाण्यै नमः।Om Vanyai NamahThe Goddess Who is Speech and Music
185Ambaॐ अम्बायै नमः।Om Ambayai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Mother
186Aditiॐ आदित्या नमः।Om Adityayai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Infinite
187Lalithaॐ ललितायै नमः।Om Lalitayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Graceful and Charming
188Bhavaniॐ भवानीyai नमः।Om Bhavaniyai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Source of Creation
189Rudraniॐ रुद्राण्यै नमः।Om Rudranyai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Consort of Rudra
190Kaaliॐ कालीyai नमः।Om Kaaliyai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Black One
191Prajapatiॐ प्रजापत्यै नमः।Om Prajapatyai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Lord of Creation
192Shaktidhariniॐ शक्तिधारिण्यै नमः।Om Shaktidharinyai NamahThe Goddess Who Bears the Power
193Sarasvatiॐ सरस्वत्यै नमः।Om Saraswatyai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Personification of Learning
194Yoginiॐ योगिन्यै नमः।Om Yoginyai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Practicer of Yoga
195Yashodaॐ यशोदायै नमः।Om Yashodayai NamahThe Goddess Who is the Mother of Krishna
196Kshetrapalaniॐ क्षेत्रपालायै नमः।Om Kshetrapalayai NamahThe Goddess Who Protects the Field
197Kundaliniॐ कुण्डलिनी नमः।Om Kundalini NamahThe Goddess Who is the Divine Energy
198Vishnupriyaॐ विष्णुप्रियायै नमः।Om Vishnupriyayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Dear to Vishnu
199Anantaॐ अनन्तायै नमः।Om Anantayai NamahThe Goddess Who is Infinite
200Shubhadaॐ शुभादायै नमः।Om Shubhadayai NamahThe Goddess Who Brings Auspiciousness
SL. NoNameSanskritTransliterationDescription
201Raktaॐ रक्तायै नमः।Om Raktayai Namah.The Goddess Who is of Blood Red Colour
202Krishnaॐ कृष्णायै नमः।Om Krishnayai Namah.The Goddess Who is of Black Colour
203Sitaॐ सीतायै नमः।Om Sitayai Namah.The Goddess Who is of White Colour
204Pitaॐ पीतायै नमः।Om Pitayai Namah.The Goddess Who is of Yellow Colour
205Sarvavarnaॐ सर्ववर्णायै नमः।Om Sarvavarnayai Namah.The Goddess Who is of All Colours
206Nirishwariॐ निरीश्वर्यै नमः।Om Nirishwaryai Namah.The One Who does not have Any Other Goddess
207Kalikaॐ कालिकायै नमः।Om Kalikayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Kali
208Chakrikaॐ चक्रिकायै नमः।Om Chakrikayai Namah.The Goddess Who is in Sri Chakra
209Deviॐ देव्यै नमः।Om Devyai Namah.The Goddess
210Satyaॐ सत्यायै नमः।Om Satyayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Truth
211Vatukaॐ वटुकायै नमः।Om Vatukayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Always a Lass
212Sthitaॐ स्थितायै नमः।Om Sthitayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Stable
213Taruniॐ तरुण्यै नमः।Om Tarunyai Namah.The Goddess Who is a Lass
214Vaaruniॐ वारुण्यै नमः।Om Varunyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Power of Varuna
215Nariॐ नार्यै नमः।Om Naryai Namah.The One Who is a Woman
216Jyeshtha-deviॐ ज्येष्ठादेव्यै नमः।Om Jyeshthadevyai Namah.The One Who is Elder Goddess
217Sureshwariॐ सुरेश्वर्यै नमः।Om Sureshwaryai Namah.The One Who is the Goddess of Devas
218Vishwambharaॐ विश्वम्भरायै नमः।Om Vishwambharayai Namah.The Goddess Who Wears the Universe as Cloth
219Dharaॐ धरायै नमः।Om Dharayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Earth
220Kartriॐ कर्त्र्यै नमः।Om Kartryai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Doer
221Galargala Vibhanjiniॐ गलार्गलविभञ्जन्यै नमः।Om Galargalavibhanjanyai Namah.The Goddess Who Breaks Problems
222Sandhyaॐ सन्ध्यायै नमः।Om Sandhyayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Dawn, Dusk and Noon
223Ratriॐ रात्रयै नमः।Om Ratrayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Night
224Divaॐ दिवे नमः।Om Dive Namah.The Goddess Who is Day Time
225Jyotsnaॐ ज्योत्स्नायै नमः।Om Jyotsnayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Night Lit by Full Moon
226Kalaॐ कलायै नमः।Om Kalayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Crescent
227Kashthaॐ काष्ठायै नमः।Om Kashthayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Quarter of the World
228Nimeshikaॐ निमेषिकायै नमः।Om Nimeshikayai Namah.The Goddess Who does Everything in a Nimisha
229Urviॐ उर्व्यै नमः।Om Urvyai Namah.The Goddess Who is in the Form of Earth
230Katyayaniॐ कात्यायन्यै नमः।Om Katyayanyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Daughter of Sage Katyayana
231Shubhraॐ शुभ्रायै नमः।Om Shubhrayai Namah.The Goddess Who is White and Clean
232Samsararna-vatariniॐ संसारार्णवतारिण्यै नमः।Om Sansararnavatarinyai Namah.The Goddess Who Makes Us Cross the Forest of Domestic Life
233Kapilaaॐ कपिलायै नमः।Om Kapilayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Wife of Sage Kapila
234Kilikaॐ कीलिकायै नमः।Om Kilikayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Axis of Everything
235Ahsokaॐ अशोकायै नमः।Om Ashokayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Never Sad
236Mallika-navamalikaॐ मल्लिकानवमालिकायै नमः।Om Mallikanavamalikayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Jasmine Flower
237Devikaॐ देविकायै नमः।Om Devikayai Namah.The One Who is the Goddess with a Form of a Child
238Nandikaॐ नन्दिकायै नमः।Om Nandikayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Daughter
239Shantaॐ शान्तायै नमः।Om Shantayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Patient
240Bhanjikaॐ भञ्जिकायै नमः।Om Bhanjikayai Namah.The Goddess Who Breaks
241Bhayabhanjikaॐ भयभञ्जिकायै नमः।Om Bhayabhanjikayai Namah.The Goddess Who Breaks Fear
242Kaushikiॐ कौशिक्यै नमः।Om Kaushikyai Namah.The Goddess Who Came Out of the Hair of Parvati
243Vaidikiॐ वैदिक्यै नमः।Om Vaidikyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Vedic in Form
244Deviॐ देव्यै नमः।Om Devyai Namah.The Goddess
245Sauriॐ सौर्यै नमः।Om Sauryai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Power of Sun
246Roopadhikaॐ रूपाधिकायै नमः।Om Rupadhikayai Namah.The Goddess Who Transcends the Form
247Atibhaॐ अतिभायै नमः।Om Atibhayai Namah.The Goddess Who has Relatively More Light
248Digvastraॐ दिग्वस्त्रायै नमः।Om Digvastrayai Namah.The Goddess Who Wears the Directions as Cloth
249Navavastraॐ नववस्त्रायै नमः।Om Navavastrayai Namah.The Goddess Who Wears New Cloths
250Kanyakaॐ कन्यायै नमः।Om Kanyayai Namah.The Goddess Who is a Virgin
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251Prakritiॐ प्रकृत्यै नमः।Om Prakritayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Nature
252Bhagavatiॐ भगवत्यै नमः।Om Bhagavatyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Divine
253Lakshmiॐ लक्ष्म्यै नमः।Om Lakshmyai Namah.The Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity
254Saraswatiॐ सरस्वत्यै नमः।Om Saraswatyai Namah.The Goddess of Knowledge and Arts
255Parvatiॐ पार्वत्यै नमः।Om Parvatayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Daughter of the Mountain
256Durgaॐ दुर्गायै नमः।Om Durgayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Protector of Virtue
257Kaliॐ काल्यै नमः।Om Kalyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Time and Destruction
258Annapurnaॐ अन्नपूर्णायै नमः।Om Annapurnayai Namah.The Goddess of Food and Nourishment
259Radhaॐ राधिकायै नमः।Om Radhikayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Beloved of Krishna
260Gangaॐ गङ्गायै नमः।Om Gangayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the River Ganga
261Yamunaॐ यमुनायै नमः।Om Yamunayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the River Yamuna
262Gayatriॐ गायत्र्यै नमः।Om Gayatryai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Vedic Chanter
263Shaktiॐ शक्तिायै नमः।Om Shaktiayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Power
264Jayaॐ जयायै नमः।Om Jayayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Victory
265Vijayaॐ विजयायै नमः।Om Vijayayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Success
266Gauriॐ गौरीयै नमः।Om Gauriyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Bright and Fair
267Chandraॐ चन्द्रायै नमः।Om Chandrayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Moon
268Shubhamॐ शुभम्यै नमः।Om Shubhamyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Auspicious
269Bhagavatiॐ भगवत्यै नमः।Om Bhagavatyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Supreme
270Chitraॐ चित्रायै नमः।Om Chitrayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Beautiful and Bright
271Vidhatriॐ विधात्र्यै नमः।Om Vidhatrayai Namah.The Goddess Who Creates and Preserves
272Tripuraॐ त्रिपुरायै नमः।Om Tripurayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Three Cities
273Arundhatiॐ अरुन्धत्यै नमः।Om Arundhatyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Wife of Sage Vasishtha
274Aditiॐ अदितीयै नमः।Om Aditiyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Mother of Gods
275Mitraॐ मित्रायै नमः।Om Mitrayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Friend
276Bhairaviॐ भैरवीयै नमः।Om Bhairavyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Fierce and Terrifying
277Kamalaॐ कमलायै नमः।Om Kamalayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Lotus
278Mayaॐ मायायै नमः।Om Mayayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Illusion
279Sitaॐ सीतायै नमः।Om Sitayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Wife of Rama
280Gauriॐ गौरीयै नमः।Om Gauriyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Fair and Radiant
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281Taraॐ तारायै नमः।Om Tarayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Star
282Swahaॐ स्वाहायै नमः।Om Swahayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Sacrifice and Offering
283Swatiॐ स्वात्यै नमः।Om Swatyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Auspicious and Pure
284Vaniॐ वाण्यै नमः।Om Vanyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Speech and Music
285Bhuvaneshwariॐ भुवनेश्वर्यै नमः।Om Bhuvaneshwaryai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Ruler of the World
286Dhanalakshmiॐ धनलक्ष्म्यै नमः।Om Dhanalakshmyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Wealth and Prosperity
287Lakulishaॐ लाकुलिशायै नमः।Om Lakulishayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Auspicious One
288Chandraॐ चन्द्राय नमः।Om Chandray Namah.The Goddess Who is the Moon
289Indraniॐ इन्द्राण्यै नमः।Om Indranyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Queen of Indra
290Vishalakshiॐ विशालाक्ष्यै नमः।Om Vishalakshyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the One with Large Eyes
291Aishwaryaॐ ऐश्वर्याय नमः।Om Aishwaryay Namah.The Goddess Who is Prosperity and Wealth
292Lalitaॐ ललितायै नमः।Om Lalitayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Graceful and Playful
293Maheshwariॐ महेश्वर्यै नमः।Om Maheshwaryai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Great Lord
294Rukminiॐ रुक्मिण्यै नमः।Om Rukminyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Wife of Krishna
295Vishnupriyaॐ विष्णुप्रिये नमः।Om Vishnupriye Namah.The Goddess Who is Beloved of Vishnu
296Prabhaॐ प्रभायै नमः।Om Prabhayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Radiant
297Manjulaॐ मञ्जुलायै नमः।Om Manjulayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Charming and Beautiful
298Nandiniॐ नन्दिन्यै नमः।Om Nandinayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Joyful and Blissful
299Parvatiॐ पार्वत्यै नमः।Om Parvatayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Daughter of the Mountain
300Sitadeviॐ सीतादेवाय नमः।Om Sitadevay Namah.The Goddess Who is the Wife of Rama
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301Gayatriॐ गायत्र्यै नमः।Om Gayatryai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Mother of the Vedas
302Annapurnaॐ अन्नपूर्णायै नमः।Om Annapurnayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Provider of Food
303Saraswatiॐ सरस्वत्यै नमः।Om Saraswatyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Knowledge and Learning
304Kaliॐ काल्यै नमः।Om Kalyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Time and Destruction
305Kamalaॐ कमलायै नमः।Om Kamalayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Lotus Flower
306Meenakshiॐ मीनाक्ष्यै नमः।Om Meenakshyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the One with Fish-like Eyes
307Tripuraॐ त्रिपुरायै नमः।Om Tripurayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Three-City Destroyer
308Umaॐ उमा यै नमः।Om Umayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Light and Splendor
309Savitriॐ सावित्र्यै नमः।Om Savitryai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Light and Radiance
310Durgaॐ दुर्गायै नमः।Om Durgayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Invincible and Fortified
311Jayaॐ जयायै नमः।Om Jayayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Victory and Triumph
312Bhairaviॐ भैरवायै नमः।Om Bhairavayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Fearsome and Powerful
313Chandiॐ चण्डायै नमः।Om Chandayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Fierce and Protective
314Radhaॐ राधायै नमः।Om Radhayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Beloved of Krishna
315Shaktiॐ शक्त्यै नमः।Om Shaktyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Power and Energy
316Gauriॐ गौरी यै नमः।Om Gauriyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Fair and Bright
317Bhavaniॐ भवानीयै नमः।Om Bhavaniyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Source of Creation
318Nityaॐ नित्यायै नमः।Om Nityayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Eternal and Everlasting
319Mangaladeviॐ मंगलादेवाय नमः।Om Mangaladevay Namah.The Goddess Who is Auspicious and Beneficial
320Sitaॐ सीतायै नमः।Om Sitayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Pure and Devoted
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321Laxmiॐ लक्ष्म्यै नमः।Om Lakshmyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Prosperity and Wealth
322Rukminiॐ रुक्मिण्यै नमः।Om Rukminyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Beloved of Krishna
323Indraniॐ इन्द्राणी नमः।Om Indrani Namah.The Goddess Who is the Queen of Indra
324Anjaniॐ अंजनी नमः।Om Anjani Namah.The Goddess Who is the Mother of Hanuman
325Kamakshiॐ कामाक्ष्यै नमः।Om Kamakshyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the One with Desireful Eyes
326Yashodaॐ यशोदायै नमः।Om Yashodayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Krishna’s Foster Mother
327Chhayaॐ छायायै नमः।Om Chhayayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Shadow and Reflection
328Kuntiॐ कुंती यै नमः।Om Kuntiyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Mother of the Pandavas
329Maitreyiॐ मैत्रेयी नमः।Om Maitreyi Namah.The Goddess Who is the Wise and Pious
330Jaya Lakshmiॐ जय लक्ष्म्यै नमः।Om Jaya Lakshmyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Victory and Wealth
331Padmavatiॐ पद्मावत्यै नमः।Om Padmavatyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the One with Lotus Feet
332Shyamalaॐ श्यामलायै नमः।Om Shyamalayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Dark-Hued and Graceful
333Sita Ramanaॐ सीतारमणाय नमः।Om Sitaramanay Namah.The Goddess Who is the Consort of Rama
334Deviॐ देवी नमः।Om Devi Namah.The Goddess Who is the Divine Feminine
335Keshavaॐ केशवाय नमः।Om Keshavay Namah.The Goddess Who is the One with Long Hair
336Manasaॐ मनसास्यै नमः।Om Manasayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Goddess of Serpents
337Savitriॐ सावित्र्यै नमः।Om Savitryai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Mother of the Sun
338Chandrikaॐ चंद्रिका नमः।Om Chandrika Namah.The Goddess Who is the Moonlight
339Bharatiॐ भारत्यै नमः।Om Bharatyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Personification of Knowledge
340Surabhiॐ सुरभ्यै नमः।Om Surabhyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Fragrant and Auspicious
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341Saraswatiॐ सरस्वत्यै नमः।Om Saraswatyai Namah.The Goddess of Knowledge and Arts
342Nandiniॐ नन्दिन्यै नमः।Om Nandinyai Namah.The Goddess Who Brings Joy and Prosperity
343Durgaॐ दुर्गायै नमः।Om Durgayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Invincible and Protector
344Gauriॐ गौरी नमः।Om Gauri Namah.The Goddess Who is the Fair and Radiant
345Tripuraॐ त्रिपुराय नमः।Om Tripuray Namah.The Goddess Who is the Three Cities
346Shaktiॐ शक्तयै नमः।Om Shaktyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Divine Energy
347Maheshwariॐ महेश्वरी नमः।Om Maheshwari Namah.The Goddess Who is the Great Queen
348Bhagavatiॐ भगवत्यै नमः।Om Bhagavatyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Supreme Being
349Jagadambaॐ जगदम्बायै नमः।Om Jagadambayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Mother of the World
350Lalitaॐ ललितायै नमः।Om Lalitayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Playful and Charming
351Vaishnaviॐ वैष्णवाय नमः।Om Vaishnavay Namah.The Goddess Who is the Consort of Vishnu
352Savitriॐ सावित्री नमः।Om Savitri Namah.The Goddess Who is the Radiant One
353Gayatriॐ गायत्र्यै नमः।Om Gayatryai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Mother of the Vedas
354Kamalaॐ कमलायै नमः।Om Kamalaye Namah.The Goddess Who is the Lotus-Born
355Chandraॐ चंद्राय नमः।Om Chandraya Namah.The Goddess Who is the Moonlight
356Aditiॐ आदित्यै नमः।Om Adityai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Mother of the Gods
357Prakritiॐ प्रकृत्यै नमः।Om Prakrityai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Nature and Creation
358Shyamalaॐ श्यामला नमः।Om Shyamala Namah.The Goddess Who is the Dark-Hued One
359Radhikaॐ राधिकायै नमः।Om Radhikayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Beloved of Krishna
360Nityaॐ नित्याय नमः।Om Nityay Namah.The Goddess Who is Eternal and Everlasting
SL. NoNameSanskritTransliterationDescription
361Vaniॐ वाण्यै नमः।Om Vanyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Voice of Wisdom
362Kalaratriॐ कालरात्र्यै नमः।Om Kalaratryai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Dark Night
363Jayaॐ जयाय नमः।Om Jayay Namah.The Goddess Who is the Victory
364Bhavaniॐ भवानी नमः।Om Bhavani Namah.The Goddess Who is the Source of Creation
365Chandiॐ चण्डिकायै नमः।Om Chandikayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Fierce and Powerful
366Shubhamॐ शुभाय नमः।Om Shubham Namah.The Goddess Who is Auspicious
367Shyamॐ श्यामाय नमः।Om Shyamay Namah.The Goddess Who is Dark and Beautiful
368Vidhatriॐ विधात्र्यै नमः।Om Vidhatryai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Creator of Fate
369Aishwaryaॐ ऐश्वर्याय नमः।Om Aishwaryay Namah.The Goddess Who is Wealth and Prosperity
370Ashokaॐ अशोकाय नमः।Om Ashokay Namah.The Goddess Who is Free from Sorrow
371Maithiliॐ मैथिली नमः।Om Maithili Namah.The Goddess Who is of the Mithila Region
372Rukminiॐ रुक्मिण्यै नमः।Om Rukminyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Consort of Krishna
373Dhanalakshmiॐ धनलक्ष्म्यै नमः।Om Dhanalakshmyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Wealth and Prosperity
374Sharmisthaॐ शर्मिष्ठाय नमः।Om Sharmisthay Namah.The Goddess Who is the Protector
375Padmavatiॐ पद्मावत्यै नमः।Om Padmavatyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Lotus-Born
376Chaitraॐ चैत्राय नमः।Om Chaitray Namah.The Goddess Who is the Spring Season
377Lalitaॐ ललिताय नमः।Om Lalitay Namah.The Goddess Who is Playful and Beautiful
378Bhuvaneshwariॐ भुवनेश्वराय नमः।Om Bhuvaneshwaray Namah.The Goddess Who is the Lord of the World
379Yamunaॐ यमुनाय नमः।Om Yamunaya Namah.The Goddess Who is the Sacred River
380Charulataॐ चारुलताय नमः।Om Charulatay Namah.The Goddess Who is the Graceful Vine
SL. NoNameSanskritTransliterationDescription
381Kumudiniॐ कुमुदिन्यै नमः।Om Kumudinyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Lotus Blossom
382Narmadaॐ नर्मदाय नमः।Om Narmaday Namah.The Goddess Who is the Sacred River
383Mangalaॐ मंगलाय नमः।Om Mangalay Namah.The Goddess Who is Auspicious and Prosperous
384Vidyaॐ विद्याय नमः।Om Vidyay Namah.The Goddess Who is Knowledge and Learning
385Anuradhaॐ अनुराधाय नमः।Om Anuradhay Namah.The Goddess Who is the Bright Star
386Sitaॐ सीताय नमः।Om Sitay Namah.The Goddess Who is the Ideal Wife and Mother
387Vatsalaॐ वत्सलाय नमः।Om Vatsalay Namah.The Goddess Who is Affectionate and Loving
388Rajeshwariॐ राजेश्वराय नमः।Om Rajeshwaray Namah.The Goddess Who is the Queen of the Realm
389Surabhiॐ सुरभ्यै नमः।Om Surabhyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Fragrant Cow
390Sumanॐ सुमनाय नमः।Om Sumanay Namah.The Goddess Who is the Flower
391Sakiniॐ सकिन्यै नमः।Om Sakinyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Provider of Wealth
392Kumariॐ कुमार्यै नमः।Om Kumaryai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Maiden
393Arundhatiॐ अरुन्धताय नमः।Om Arundhatay Namah.The Goddess Who is the Noble and Pure
394Dharaॐ धाराय नमः।Om Dharay Namah.The Goddess Who is the Earth
395Manishaॐ मनीषाय नमः।Om Manishay Namah.The Goddess Who is the Light of the Mind
396Niranjanaॐ निरञ्जनाय नमः।Om Niranjanay Namah.The Goddess Who is Pure and Unblemished
397Padminiॐ पद्मिनी नमः।Om Padmini Namah.The Goddess Who is the Lotus Flower
398Sadhanaॐ साधनाय नमः।Om Sadhanay Namah.The Goddess Who is the Spiritual Practice
399Meeraॐ मीरा नमः।Om Meera Namah.The Goddess Who is the Devotee of Krishna
400Rukminiॐ रुक्मिण्यै नमः।Om Rukminyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Consort of Krishna
SL. No.NameSanskrit MantraTransliterationDescription
401Sattajatiॐ सत्ताजातये नमः।Om Sattajataye Namah.The Goddess Who Belongs to a Noble Family
402Pramaaॐ प्रमायै नमः।Om Pramayai Namah.The Goddess Who can Estimate Devotees Through Her Intelligence
403Ameyaaॐ अमेयायै नमः।Om Ameyayai Namah.The Goddess Who does not Have Any Boundaries
404Apramitiॐ अप्रमित्यै नमः।Om Apramityai Namah.The Goddess Who could be Known by Axioms of Vedas
405Pranadaaॐ प्राणदायै नमः।Om Pranadayai Namah.The Goddess Who Gives Life
406Gatiॐ गतये नमः।Om Gataye Namah.The Goddess Who is the Destination
407Aparnaaॐ अवर्णायै नमः।Om Avarnayai Namah.The Goddess Who does not Have Colours
408Panchavarnaॐ पञ्चवर्णायै नमः।Om Panchavarnayai Namah.The Goddess Who has Five Colours
409Sarvadaॐ सर्वदायै नमः।Om Sarvadayai Namah.The Goddess Who Gives Everything Always
410Bhuvaneshwariॐ भुवनेश्वर्यै नमः।Om Bhuvaneshwaryai Namah.The Goddess of the Universe
411Trailokyamohiniॐ त्रैलोक्यमोहिन्यै नमः।Om Trailokyamohinyai Namah.The Goddess Who Bewitches the Three Worlds
412Vidyaॐ विद्यायै नमः।Om Vidyayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Knowledge
413Sarvabhartiॐ सर्वभर्त्यै नमः।Om Sarvabhartyai Namah.The Goddess Who Administers Everyone
414Ksharaaॐ क्षरायै नमः।Om Ksharayai Namah.The Goddess Who has a Form that can be Destroyed
415Aksharaaॐ अक्षरायै नमः।Om Aksharayai Namah.The Goddess Who cannot be Destroyed
416Hiranyavarnaॐ हिरण्यवर्णायै नमः।Om Hiranyavarnayai Namah.The Goddess Who is of the Colour of Gold
417Hariniॐ हरिण्यै नमः।Om Harinyai Namah.The Goddess Who Destroys Sorrows
418Sarvopadrava nashiniॐ सर्वोपद्रवनाशिन्यै नमः।Om Sarvopadravanashinyai Namah.The Goddess Who Destroys All Painful Problems
419Kaivalya padavi rekhaॐ कैवल्यपदवीरेखायै नमः।Om Kaivalyapadavirekhayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Way to Attain Salvation
420Surya mandala samsthitaॐ सूर्यमण्डलसंस्थितायै नमः।Om Suryamandalasansthitayai Namah.The Goddess Who is in the Solar System
421Soma mandala madhyasthaॐ सोममण्डलमध्यस्थायै नमः।Om Somamandalamadhyasthayai Namah.The Goddess Who is in the Middle of Moon
422Vahni mandala samsthitaॐ वह्निमण्डलसंस्थितायै नमः।Om Vahnimandalasansthitayai Namah.The Goddess Who is in Between Fire
423Vayu mandala madhyasthaॐ वायुमण्डलमध्यस्थायै नमः।Om Vayumandalamadhyasthayai Namah.The Goddess Who is in the Midst of Wind
424Vyoma mandala samsthitaॐ व्योममण्डलसंस्थितायै नमः।Om Vyomamandalasansthitayai Namah.The Goddess Who Stays in the Sky
425Chakrikaaॐ चक्रिकायै नमः।Om Chakrikayai Namah.The Goddess Who has the Divine Wheel
426Chakra madhyasthaॐ चक्रमध्यस्थायै नमः।Om Chakramadhyasthayai Namah.The Goddess Who is in the Middle of Sri Chakra
427Chakra marga pravartiniॐ चक्रमार्गप्रवर्तिन्यै नमः।Om Chakramargapravartinyai Namah.The Goddess Who Travels in the Path of Wheels of the Body
428Kokila kula chakreshaॐ कोकिलाकुलचक्राशायै नमः।Om Kokilakulachakrashayai Namah.The One Who is the King of the Universe of Koels
429Pakshatiॐ पक्षतये नमः।Om Pakshataye Namah.The Beginning of the Phases of Moon
430Panktipaavaniॐ पङ्क्तिपावनायै नमः।Om Panktipavanayai Namah.The Goddess Who Purifies the World
431Sarva siddhanta margasthaॐ सर्वसिद्धान्तमार्गस्थायै नमः।Om Sarvasiddhantamargasthayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Way to All Knowledge
432Shadvarnaॐ षड्वर्णायै नमः।Om Shadvarnayai Namah.The Goddess Who has Six Colours
433Varnavarjitaॐ वर्णवर्जितायै नमः।Om Varnavarjitayai Namah.The Goddess Who does not Need Any Boons
434Shatarudraharaॐ शतरुद्रहरायै नमः।Om Shatarudraharayai Namah.The Goddess Who Cures Pain Caused by Arrows
435Hantriॐ हन्त्र्यै नमः।Om Hantryai Namah.The Goddess Who Kills
436Sarvasamhara kaariniॐ सर्वसंहारकारिण्यै नमः।Om Sarvasanharakarinyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Cause of All Destruction
437Purushaaॐ पुरुषायै नमः।Om Purushayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Ancient
438Paurusheeॐ पौरुष्यै नमः।Om Paurushyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Masculine
439Tushtiॐ तुष्टये नमः।Om Tushtaye Namah.The Goddess Who is Satisfaction
440Sarvatantra prasootikaaॐ सर्वतन्त्रप्रसूतिकायै नमः।Om Sarvatantraprasutikayai Namah.The Goddess Who Gave Birth to All Tantras
441Ardhanarishwariॐ अर्धनारीश्वर्यै नमः।Om Ardhanarishwaryai Namah.The Goddess Who has Occupied Left Side of Shiva
442Deviॐ देव्यै नमः।Om Devyai Namah.The Goddess
443Sarvavidya pradayiniॐ सर्वविद्याप्रदायिन्यै नमः।Om Sarvavidyapradayinyai Namah.The Goddess Who Gives All Types of Knowledge
444Bhargaviॐ भार्गव्यै नमः।Om Bhargavyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Born in the House of Bhrigu
445Dharmabhyudayaॐ धर्माभ्युदयायै नमः।Om Dharmabhyudayai Namah.The Goddess Who Uplifts Dharma
446Sarvajnaॐ सर्वज्ञायै नमः।Om Sarvagnayai Namah.The Goddess Who Knows Everything
447Maheshwariॐ महेश्वर्यै नमः।Om Maheshwaryai Namah.The Goddess Who is Lord Shiva’s Wife
448Vaishnaviॐ वैष्णवी नमः।Om Vaishnavai Namah.The Goddess Who is Worshipped by Vishnu
449Yashasviniॐ यशस्विन्यै नमः।Om Yashasvinyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Famous and Renowned
450Mahamayaॐ महामायायै नमः।Om Mahamayayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Great Illusion
SL. No.NameSanskrit MantraTransliterationDescription
451Durgaॐ दुर्गायै नमः।Om Durgaayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Protector and the Destroyer of Evil
452Lakshmiॐ लक्ष्म्यै नमः।Om Lakshmyai Namah.The Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity
453Saraswatiॐ सरस्वत्यै नमः।Om Saraswatyai Namah.The Goddess of Knowledge and Wisdom
454Parvatiॐ पार्वत्यै नमः।Om Parvatyai Namah.The Goddess of Mountains and Consort of Shiva
455Gangaॐ गंगायै नमः।Om Gangayai Namah.The Goddess of the Sacred River Ganga
456Sitaॐ सीतायै नमः।Om Sitayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Consort of Lord Rama
457Radhaॐ राधायै नमः।Om Radhayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Beloved of Lord Krishna
458Kaliॐ कालयै नमः।Om Kalayai Namah.The Goddess Who Represents Time and Destruction
459Umaॐ उमायै नमः।Om Umayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Known for Her Divine Beauty and Power
460Chandiॐ चण्डिकायै नमः।Om Chandikayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Fierce Form of Durga
461Annapurnaॐ अन्नपूर्णायै नमः।Om Annapurnayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Provider of Food
462Bhairaviॐ भैरवी नमः।Om Bhairavi Namah.The Goddess Who is the Fierce Aspect of Durga
463Kamakshiॐ कामाक्ष्यै नमः।Om Kamakshyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Empress of the Universe
464Manjushriॐ मञ्जुश्रीyai नमः।Om Manjushryai Namah.The Goddess Who is Associated with Wisdom and Learning
465Baglamukhiॐ बगलामुख्यै नमः।Om Baglamukhiyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Destroyer of Enemies and Obstacles
466Taraॐ तारायै नमः।Om Tarayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Star and the Divine Protector
467Lalithaॐ ललितायै नमः।Om Lalitayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Embodiment of Beauty and Grace
468Tripura Sundariॐ त्रिपुरसुन्दरीyai नमः।Om Tripurasundaryai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Beautiful Goddess of Three Cities
469Dhumavatiॐ धूमावत्यै नमः।Om Dhumavatyai Namah.The Goddess Who Represents the Power of Time and Smoke
470Narmadaॐ नर्मदायै नमः।Om Narmadayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Sacred River Narmada
471Jayaॐ जयायै नमः।Om Jayayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Victory and Triumph
472Vijayaॐ विजयायै नमः।Om Vijayayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Associated with Conquest and Success
473Shaktiॐ शक्त्यै नमः।Om Shaktyai Namah.The Goddess Who Represents Power and Energy
474Chandikaॐ चण्डिकायै नमः।Om Chandikayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Form of Anger and Protection
475Kamadhenuॐ कामधेनुः नमः।Om Kamadhenu Namah.The Goddess Who is the Divine Cow of Abundance
476Surabhiॐ सुरभ्यै नमः।Om Surabhyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Source of Fragrance and Prosperity
477Mangalyaॐ माङ्गल्यायै नमः।Om Mangalyayai Namah.The Goddess Who Brings Good Fortune
478Rajarajeshwariॐ राजराजेश्वर्यै नमः।Om Rajarajeshwaryai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Queen of the Universe
479Chandraॐ चन्द्रायै नमः।Om Chandrayai Namah.The Goddess Who Represents the Moon
480Aditiॐ आदित्यायै नमः।Om Aditayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Mother of the Gods
SL. No.NameSanskrit MantraTransliterationDescription
481Varunaॐ वरुणाय नमः।Om Varunaya Namah.The God of Water and Cosmic Order
482Vayuॐ वायवे नमः।Om Vayave Namah.The God of Wind and Breath
483Suryaॐ सूर्याय नमः।Om Suryaaya Namah.The Sun God, Symbol of Health and Energy
484Chandraॐ चन्द्राय नमः।Om Chandraya Namah.The Moon God, Symbol of Coolness and Serenity
485Agniॐ अग्नये नमः।Om Agnaye Namah.The God of Fire and Sacrifice
486Yamaॐ यमाय नमः।Om Yamaya Namah.The God of Justice and Morality
487Kuberaॐ कुबेराय नमः।Om Kuberaya Namah.The God of Wealth and Prosperity
488Vishnuॐ विष्णवे नमः।Om Vishnave Namah.The Preserver of the Universe, part of the Trimurti
489Shivaॐ शिवाय नमः।Om Shivaya Namah.The God of Destruction and Regeneration
490Brahmaॐ ब्रह्मणे नमः।Om Brahmane Namah.The Creator of the Universe, part of the Trimurti
491Lakshmiॐ लक्ष्मी नमः।Om Lakshmi Namah.The Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity
492Saraswatiॐ सरस्वती नमः।Om Saraswati Namah.The Goddess of Knowledge and Arts
493Durgaॐ दुर्गे नमः।Om Durge Namah.The Goddess Who is the Protector and the Destroyer of Evil
494Kaliॐ काली नमः।Om Kali Namah.The Goddess Who Represents Time and Destruction
495Parvatiॐ पार्वती नमः।Om Parvati Namah.The Goddess of Mountains and Consort of Shiva
496Gangaॐ गंगे नमः।Om Gange Namah.The Goddess Who is the Sacred River Ganga
497Radhaॐ राधे नमः।Om Radhe Namah.The Goddess Who is the Beloved of Lord Krishna
498Sitaॐ सीते नमः।Om Site Namah.The Goddess Who is the Consort of Lord Rama
499Umaॐ उमे नमः।Om Ume Namah.The Goddess Who is Known for Her Divine Beauty and Power
500Ganeshaॐ गणेशाय नमः।Om Ganeshaya Namah.The Elephant-headed God of Wisdom and Remover of Obstacles
SL. No.NameSanskrit MantraTransliterationDescription
521Tripura Sundariॐ त्रिपुरसुंदरी नमः।Om Tripura Sundari Namah.The Goddess of the Three Cities, a form of Devi Parvati
522Garudaॐ गरुडाय नमः।Om Garudaya Namah.The Divine Eagle, Vehicle of Lord Vishnu
523Jagannathaॐ जगन्नाथाय नमः।Om Jagannathaya Namah.The Lord of the Universe, Form of Vishnu in Puri
524Kamakshiॐ कामाक्षि नमः।Om Kamakshi Namah.The Goddess of Desire and Power, Form of Durga
525Nandiॐ नंदिनाय नमः।Om Nandhinaya Namah.The Bull, Vehicle of Lord Shiva
526Gangaॐ गंगाय नमः।Om Gangaya Namah.The Sacred River Goddess, Symbol of Purity and Life
527Saraswatiॐ सरस्वत्यै नमः।Om Saraswatyai Namah.The Goddess of Knowledge, Music, and Arts
528Lakshmiॐ लक्ष्म्यै नमः।Om Lakshmyai Namah.The Goddess of Wealth, Prosperity, and Fortune
529Rudraॐ रुद्राय नमः।Om Rudraya Namah.The Fierce Aspect of Shiva, God of Storms and the Wild
530Radhaॐ राधाय नमः।Om Radhaya Namah.The Beloved Consort of Krishna, Symbol of Divine Love
531Anantaॐ अनंताय नमः।Om Anantaya Namah.The Infinite, Form of Vishnu associated with Eternity
532Suryadevॐ सूर्याय नमः।Om Suryaaya Namah.The Sun God, Symbol of Vitality and Energy
533Chandraॐ चंद्राय नमः।Om Chandraya Namah.The Moon God, Symbol of Coolness and Calm
534Raghupatiॐ रघुपतये नमः।Om Raghupataye Namah.The Lord of the Raghu Dynasty, Another Name for Lord Rama
535Yamaॐ यमाय नमः।Om Yamaya Namah.The God of Death and Justice
536Arjunaॐ अर्जुनाय नमः।Om Arjunaya Namah.The Hero of the Mahabharata, Symbol of Courage and Virtue
537Surya Narayanaॐ सूर्यनारायणाय नमः।Om Surya Narayanaya Namah.The Sun God as the Preserver of the Universe
538Venu Gopalॐ वेणुगोपालाय नमः।Om Venu Gopalaya Namah.The Flute-playing Form of Krishna
539Bhuvaneshwariॐ भुवनेश्वराय नमः।Om Bhuvaneshwaraya Namah.The Goddess of the Three Worlds, Form of Durga
540Shaktiॐ शक्तये नमः।Om Shaktaye Namah.The Divine Feminine Energy, Power of the Universe
SL. No.NameSanskrit MantraTransliterationDescription
541Vishvakarmanॐ विश्वकर्मणे नमः।Om Vishvakarmane Namah.The Universal Architect and Craftsman, Creator of the Cosmos
542Varunaॐ वरुणाय नमः।Om Varunaya Namah.The God of Water and Cosmic Order
543Vayuॐ वायवे नमः।Om Vayave Namah.The God of Wind, Air, and Vital Breath
544Prithviॐ पृथ्वै नमः।Om Prithvai Namah.The Goddess Earth, Symbol of Stability and Nourishment
545Aditiॐ अदितये नमः।Om Aditaye Namah.The Mother of the Gods, Symbol of Infinity and Boundlessness
546Savitriॐ सवित्र्यै नमः।Om Savitryai Namah.The Goddess of the Sun, Symbol of Enlightenment
547Indraॐ इन्द्राय नमः।Om Indraya Namah.The King of Gods, Ruler of the Heavens and Thunder
548Chitraguptaॐ चित्रगुप्ताय नमः।Om Chitraguptaya Namah.The Divine Accountant, Keeper of Records
549Ganapatiॐ गणपतये नमः।Om Ganapataye Namah.The Lord of Obstacles and Success, Another Name for Ganesha
550Brahmanॐ ब्रह्मणे नमः।Om Brahmane Namah.The Supreme Absolute Reality, Source of All Creation
551Krishnaॐ कृष्णाय नमः।Om Krishnaya Namah.The Eighth Avatar of Vishnu, The Divine Lover and Teacher
552Shivaॐ शिवाय नमः।Om Shivaya Namah.The Auspicious One, The Supreme Deity of Destruction and Transformation
553Vishnuॐ विष्णवे नमः।Om Vishnave Namah.The Preserver of the Universe, Protector and Sustainer
554Durgaॐ दुर्गाय नमः।Om Durgaye Namah.The Goddess of Protection and Strength
555Kaliॐ कालयै नमः।Om Kalaye Namah.The Goddess of Time and Change, Form of Shakti
556Hanumanॐ हनुमते नमः।Om Hanumate Namah.The Devotee of Rama, Symbol of Strength and Devotion
557Lakshmiॐ लक्ष्मीदेव्यै नमः।Om Lakshmidevyai Namah.The Goddess of Prosperity, Wealth, and Fortune
558Sitaॐ सीतायै नमः।Om Sitaye Namah.The Goddess Sita, Symbol of Virtue and Devotion
559Radhaॐ राधाय नमः।Om Radhaya Namah.The Beloved of Krishna, Symbol of Unconditional Love
560Ganeshॐ गणेशाय नमः।Om Ganeshaya Namah.The Remover of Obstacles, The Elephant-headed God
SL. No.NameSanskrit MantraTransliterationDescription
561Saraswatiॐ सरस्वत्यै नमः।Om Sarasvatyai Namah.The Goddess of Knowledge, Wisdom, and Arts
562Gangaॐ गंगायै नमः।Om Gangaye Namah.The Goddess Ganga, Symbol of Purity and the Sacred River
563Bhairavaॐ भैरवे नमः।Om Bhairave Namah.The Fierce Form of Shiva, Protector of the Universe
564Chandraॐ चंद्राय नमः।Om Chandraya Namah.The Moon God, Symbol of Coolness and Calmness
565Suryaॐ सूर्याय नमः।Om Suryaaya Namah.The Sun God, Symbol of Energy and Life
566Yamaॐ यमाय नमः।Om Yamaya Namah.The God of Death and Justice
567Vayuॐ वायवे नमः।Om Vayave Namah.The God of Wind, Air, and Breath
568Agniॐ अग्नये नमः।Om Agneye Namah.The God of Fire and Sacrifice
569Varunaॐ वरुणाय नमः।Om Varunaya Namah.The God of Cosmic Order and Water
570Mitraॐ मित्राय नमः।Om Mitraya Namah.The God of Friendship and Harmony
571Prajapatiॐ प्रजापतये नमः।Om Prajapataye Namah.The Lord of Creatures and Progenitor of All Living Beings
572Rudraॐ रुद्राय नमः।Om Rudraya Namah.The Fierce Form of Shiva, Symbol of Destruction and Renewal
573Vishvakarmanॐ विश्वकर्मणे नमः।Om Vishvakarmane Namah.The Universal Architect and Divine Craftsman
574Apsaraॐ अप्सरायै नमः।Om Apsarayai Namah.The Celestial Nymphs, Symbol of Beauty and Grace
575Kuberॐ कुबेराय नमः।Om Kuberaya Namah.The God of Wealth and Prosperity
576Yashodaॐ यशोदायै नमः।Om Yashodayai Namah.The Mother of Krishna, Symbol of Devotion and Motherly Love
577Parvatiॐ पार्वत्यै नमः।Om Parvatyai Namah.The Goddess of Fertility and Mountain
578Kamadevaॐ कामदेवाय नमः।Om Kamadevaya Namah.The God of Love and Desire
579Rukminiॐ रुक्मिण्यै नमः।Om Rukminyai Namah.The Consort of Krishna, Symbol of Purity and Devotion
580Pranaॐ प्राणाय नमः।Om Pranaya Namah.The Life Force or Vital Breath
SL. No.NameSanskrit MantraTransliterationDescription
581Indraॐ इन्द्राय नमः।Om Indraya Namah.The King of Gods, Symbol of Rain and Thunder
582Lakshmiॐ लक्ष्म्यै नमः।Om Lakshmyai Namah.The Goddess of Wealth, Fortune, and Prosperity
583Ganapatiॐ गणपतये नमः।Om Ganapataye Namah.The God of Beginnings and Removal of Obstacles
584Vishnuॐ विष्णवे नमः।Om Vishnave Namah.The Preserver and Protector of the Universe
585Shivaॐ शिवाय नमः।Om Shivaya Namah.The Supreme Deity of Destruction and Transformation
586Deviॐ देव्यै नमः।Om Devyai Namah.The Divine Goddess, Symbol of Feminine Power
587Brahmaॐ ब्रह्मणे नमः।Om Brahmane Namah.The Creator of the Universe
588Saraswatiॐ सरस्वत्यै नमः।Om Sarasvatyai Namah.The Goddess of Learning and Wisdom
589Ganeshaॐ गणेशाय नमः।Om Ganeshaya Namah.The Remover of Obstacles and God of New Beginnings
590Ramॐ रामाय नमः।Om Ramaya Namah.The Seventh Avatar of Vishnu, Symbol of Righteousness
591Krishnaॐ कृष्णाय नमः।Om Krishnaya Namah.The Eighth Avatar of Vishnu, Symbol of Divine Love
592Hanumanॐ हनुमते नमः।Om Hanumate Namah.The Devotee of Rama, Symbol of Strength and Devotion
593Durgaॐ दुर्गायै नमः।Om Durgaye Namah.The Goddess of Power and Protection
594Kaliॐ कालिकायै नमः।Om Kalyai Namah.The Goddess of Time and Destruction
595Sitaॐ सीतायै नमः।Om Sitayai Namah.The Wife of Rama, Symbol of Devotion and Purity
596Radharaniॐ राधायै नमः।Om Radhayai Namah.The Divine Consort of Krishna, Symbol of Love and Devotion
597Parvatiॐ पार्वत्यै नमः।Om Parvatyai Namah.The Goddess of Fertility and Motherhood
598Gauriॐ गौरी नमः।Om Gauri Namah.The Goddess of Purity and Beauty
599Lakshmiॐ श्री लक्ष्म्यै नमः।Om Shri Lakshmyai Namah.The Goddess of Wealth, Abundance, and Prosperity
600Aditiॐ आदितये नमः।Om Aditaye Namah.The Mother of the Gods, Symbol of Boundlessness and Infinity
SL. No.NameSanskrit MantraTransliterationDescription
601सर्वकर्मप्रवतिन्यै नमः।ॐ सर्वकर्मप्रवतिन्यै नमः।Om Sarvakarmapravatinyai Namah.The Goddess Who Makes Us do All Actions
602एकाक्षरपरायै नमः।ॐ एकाक्षरपरायै नमः।Om Ekaksharaparayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Indicated by OM
603युक्तायै नमः।ॐ युक्तायै नमः।Om Yuktayai Namah.The Goddess Who is in Alphabets
604सर्वदारिद्र्यभञ्जिन्यै नमः।ॐ सर्वदारिद्र्यभञ्जिन्यै नमः।Om Sarvadaridryabhanjinyai Namah.The Goddess Who Breaks All Types of Poverty
605पाशाङ्कुशान्वितायै नमः।ॐ पाशाङ्कुशान्वितायै नमः।Om Pashankushanvitayai Namah.The Goddess Who Holds the Rope and the Goad
606दिव्यायै नमः।ॐ दिव्यायै नमः।Om Divyayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Divine
607वीणाव्याख्याक्षसूत्रभृते नमः।ॐ वीणाव्याख्याक्षसूत्रभृते नमः।Om Vinavyakhyakshasutrabhrite Namah.The Goddess Who Holds Veena, Book and the Rosary
608एकमूर्तये नमः।ॐ एकमूर्तये नमः।Om Ekamurtaye Namah.The Goddess Who has One Form
609त्रयीमूर्तये नमः।ॐ त्रयीमूर्तये नमः।Om Trayimurtaye Namah.The Goddess Who has Three Forms of Lakshmi, Parvati and Saraswati
610मधुकैटभभञ्जिन्यै नमः।ॐ मधुकैटभभञ्जिन्यै नमः।Om Madhukaitabhabhanjinyai Namah.The Goddess Who Killed Madhu and Kaitabha
611साङ्ख्यायै नमः।ॐ साङ्ख्यायै नमः।Om Sankhyayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Form of Numerals
612साङ्ख्यवत्यै नमः।ॐ साङ्ख्यवत्यै नमः।Om Sankhyavatyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Described by Numerals
613ज्वालायै नमः।ॐ ज्वालायै नमः।Om Jwalayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Flame
614ज्वलन्त्यै नमः।ॐ ज्वलन्त्यै नमः।Om Jwalantyai Namah.The Goddess Who Shines
615कामरूपिण्यै नमः।ॐ कामरूपिण्यै नमः।Om Kamarupinyai Namah.The Goddess Who can Take Any Form She Likes
616जाग्रत्यै नमः।ॐ जाग्रत्यै नमः।Om Jagratyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Always Awake
617सर्वसम्पत्तये नमः।ॐ सर्वसम्पत्तये नमः।Om Sarvasampattaye Namah.The Goddess Who is All Types of Wealth
618सुषुप्तायै नमः।ॐ सुषुप्तायै नमः।Om Sushuptayai Namah.The Goddess Who is in Deep Sleep
619स्वेष्टदायिन्यै नमः।ॐ स्वेष्टदायिन्यै नमः।Om Sveshtadayinyai Namah.The Goddess Who Fulfills One’s Desires
620कपालिन्यै नमः।ॐ कपालिन्यै नमः।Om Kapalinyai Namah.The Goddess Who Holds a Skull
621महादंष्ट्रायै नमः।ॐ महादंष्ट्रायै नमः।Om Mahadanshtrayai Namah.The Goddess Who has Big Teeth
622भ्रुकुटीकुटिलाननायै नमः।ॐ भ्रुकुटीकुटिलाननायै नमः।Om Bhrukutikutilananayai Namah.The Goddess Who has Bent and Dense Eye-Brows
623सर्वावासायै नमः।ॐ सर्वावासायै नमः।Om Sarvavasayai Namah.The Goddess Who Lives in Everything
624सुवासायै नमः।ॐ सुवासायै नमः।Om Suvasayai Namah.The Goddess Who Lives with Good People
625बृहत्यै नमः।ॐ बृहत्यै नमः।Om Brihatyai Namah.The Goddess Who has a Macro Form
626अष्टये नमः।ॐ अष्टये नमः।Om Ashtaye Namah.The Goddess Who has Eight Forms
627शक्वर्यै नमः।ॐ शक्वर्यै नमः।Om Shakvaryai Namah.The Goddess Who Rides on the Bull
628छन्दोगणप्रतीकाशायै नमः।ॐ छन्दोगणप्रतीकाशायै नमः।Om Chhandoganapratikashayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Merged with the Vedas
629कल्माष्यै नमः।ॐ कल्माष्यै नमः।Om Kalmashyai Namah.The Goddess Who has Several Colours
630करुणात्मिकायै नमः।ॐ करुणात्मिकायै नमः।Om Karunatmikayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Merciful
631चक्षुष्मत्यै नमः।ॐ चक्षुष्मत्यै नमः।Om Chakshushmatyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Eye Sight
632महाघोषायै नमः।ॐ महाघोषायै नमः।Om Mahaghoshayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Chanting of Vedas
633खङ्गचर्मधरायै नमः।ॐ खङ्गचर्मधरायै नमः।Om Khangacharmadharayai Namah.The Goddess Who Wears a Sword and a Shield
634अशनये नमः।ॐ अशनये नमः।Om Ashanaye Namah.The Goddess Who is the Vajrayudha of Indra
635शिल्पवैचित्र्यविद्योतायै नमः।ॐ शिल्पवैचित्र्यविद्योतायै नमः।Om Shilpavaichitryavidyotayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Knowledge of Sculpture Making
636सर्वतोभद्रवासिन्यै नमः।ॐ सर्वतोभद्रवासिन्यै नमः।Om Sarvatobhadravasinyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Safe in All Places
637अचिन्त्यलक्षणाकारायै नमः।ॐ अचिन्त्यलक्षणाकारायै नमः।Om Achintyalakshanakarayai Namah.The Goddess Who has Unimaginable Good Properties
638सूत्रभाष्यनिबन्धनायै नमः।ॐ सूत्रभाष्यनिबन्धनायै नमः।Om Sutrabhashyanibandhanayai Namah.The Goddess Who is in the Form of People Writing Explanations to Vedas

4o mini

You said:

name english

ChatGPT said:


Here’s the table with the English names:

SL. No.NameSanskrit MantraTransliterationDescription
601Om Sarvakarma Pravartiniॐ सर्वकर्मप्रवतिन्यै नमः।Om Sarvakarmapravatinyai Namah।The Goddess Who Makes Us do All Actions
602Om Ekaksharaparaॐ एकाक्षरपरायै नमः।Om Ekaksharaparayai Namah।The Goddess Who is Indicated by OM
603Om Yuktaॐ युक्तायै नमः।Om Yuktayai Namah।The Goddess Who is in Alphabets
604Om Sarva Daridrya Bhanjiniॐ सर्वदारिद्र्यभञ्जिन्यै नमः।Om Sarvadaridryabhanjinyai Namah।The Goddess Who Breaks All Types of Poverty
605Om Pashankushanvitaaॐ पाशाङ्कुशान्वितायै नमः।Om Pashankushanvitayai Namah।The Goddess Who Holds the Rope and the Goad
606Om Divyaॐ दिव्यायै नमः।Om Divyayai Namah।The Goddess Who is Divine
607Om Veenavyakhyaksha Sutrabhritॐ वीणाव्याख्याक्षसूत्रभृते नमः।Om Vinavyakhyakshasutrabhrite Namah।The Goddess Who Holds Veena, Book and the Rosary
608Om Ekamoortiॐ एकमूर्तये नमः।Om Ekamurtaye Namah।The Goddess Who has One Form
609Om Trayimoortiॐ त्रयीमूर्तये नमः।Om Trayimurtaye Namah।The Goddess Who has Three Forms of Lakshmi, Parvati, and Saraswati
610Om Madhukaitabha Bhanjiniॐ मधुकैटभभञ्जिन्यै नमः।Om Madhukaitabhabhanjinyai Namah।The Goddess Who Killed Madhu and Kaitabha
611Om Sankhyaaॐ साङ्ख्यायै नमः।Om Sankhyayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Form of Numerals
612Om Sankhyavatiॐ साङ्ख्यवत्यै नमः।Om Sankhyavatyai Namah।The Goddess Who is Described by Numerals
613Om Jwalaaॐ ज्वालायै नमः।Om Jwalayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Flame
614Om Jwalantiॐ ज्वलन्त्यै नमः।Om Jwalantyai Namah।The Goddess Who Shines
615Om Kamarupiniॐ कामरूपिण्यै नमः।Om Kamarupinyai Namah।The Goddess Who can Take Any Form She Likes
616Om Jagritiॐ जाग्रत्यै नमः।Om Jagratyai Namah।The Goddess Who is Always Awake
617Om Sarvasampattiॐ सर्वसम्पत्तये नमः।Om Sarvasampattaye Namah।The Goddess Who is All Types of Wealth
618Om Sushuptaॐ सुषुप्तायै नमः।Om Sushuptayai Namah।The Goddess Who is in Deep Sleep
619Om Sveshta Dayiniॐ स्वेष्टदायिन्यै नमः।Om Sveshtadayinyai Namah।The Goddess Who Fulfills One’s Desires
620Om Kapaliniॐ कपालिन्यै नमः।Om Kapalinyai Namah।The Goddess Who Holds a Skull
621Om Mahadamshtraaॐ महादंष्ट्रायै नमः।Om Mahadanshtrayai Namah।The Goddess Who has Big Teeth
622Om Bhrukuti Kutilananaaॐ भ्रुकुटीकुटिलाननायै नमः।Om Bhrukutikutilananayai Namah।The Goddess Who has Bent and Dense Eye-Brows
623Om Sarva Vasaॐ सर्वावासायै नमः।Om Sarvavasayai Namah।The Goddess Who Lives in Everything
624Om Suvasaॐ सुवासायै नमः।Om Suvasayai Namah।The Goddess Who Lives with Good People
625Om Brihatiॐ बृहत्यै नमः।Om Brihatyai Namah।The Goddess Who has a Macro Form
626Om Ashtiॐ अष्टये नमः।Om Ashtaye Namah।The Goddess Who has Eight Forms
627Om Shakvariॐ शक्वर्यै नमः।Om Shakvaryai Namah।The Goddess Who Rides on the Bull
628Om Chandhogana Pratikashaॐ छन्दोगणप्रतीकाशायै नमः।Om Chhandoganapratikashayai Namah।The Goddess Who is Merged with the Vedas
629Om Kalmashiॐ कल्माष्यै नमः।Om Kalmashyai Namah।The Goddess Who has Several Colours
630Om Karunatmikaॐ करुणात्मिकायै नमः।Om Karunatmikayai Namah।The Goddess Who is Merciful
631Om Chakshushmatiॐ चक्षुष्मत्यै नमः।Om Chakshushmatyai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Eye Sight
632Om Mahaghoshaॐ महाघोषायै नमः।Om Mahaghoshayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Chanting of Vedas
633Om Khangacharmadharaaॐ खङ्गचर्मधरायै नमः।Om Khangacharmadharayai Namah।The Goddess Who Wears a Sword and a Shield
634Om Ashaniॐ अशनये नमः।Om Ashanaye Namah।The Goddess Who is the Vajrayudha of Indra
635Om Shilpa Vaichitrya Vidyotaaॐ शिल्पवैचित्र्यविद्योतायै नमः।Om Shilpavaichitryavidyotayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Knowledge of Sculpture Making
636Om Sarvato Bhadra Vasiniॐ सर्वतोभद्रवासिन्यै नमः।Om Sarvatobhadravasinyai Namah।The Goddess Who is Safe in All Places
637Om Achintya Lakshanaa Karaॐ अचिन्त्यलक्षणाकारायै नमः।Om Achintyalakshanakarayai Namah।The Goddess Who has Unimaginable Good Properties
638Om Sutra Bhashya Nibandhanaaॐ सूत्रभाष्यनिबन्धनायै नमः।Om Sutrabhashyanibandhanayai Namah।The Goddess Who is in the Form of People Writing Explanations to Vedas
639Om Sarva Vedanta Sampattiॐ सर्ववेदान्तसम्पत्तये नमः।Om Sarvavedantasampattaye Namah।The Goddess Who is the Import of All Vedas
640Om Sarva Shastrartha Maatrukaaॐ सर्वशास्त्रार्थमातृकायै नमः।Om Sarvashastrarthamatrikayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Model Meaning of All Shastras
641Om Aakaradikshakaranta Sarva Varna Kritasthalaaॐ अकारादिक्षकारान्त-सर्ववर्णकृतस्थलायै नमः।Om Akaradikshakaranta-sarvavarnakritasthalayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Basis for All Varna (Classes)
642Om Vishnu Swarupiniॐ विष्णुस्वरुपिण्यै नमः।Om Vishnuswarupinyai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Form of Vishnu
643Om Brahmanapadma Dadhataॐ ब्रह्मणपद्मधातायै नमः।Om Brahmanapadmadadhatayai Namah।The Goddess Who Holds the Lotus of Brahma
644Om Sarasvatyushitam Sarvaॐ सरस्वत्युषितं सर्वा।Om Sarasvatyushitam Sarva.The Goddess Who is in the All Knowledge
645Om Vasu Darshanayai Namahॐ वासुदर्शनायै नमः।Om Vasudarshanayai Namah।The Goddess Who Bestows the Vision of the Supreme Being
SL. No.NameSanskrit MantraTransliterationDescription
646Om Prabhavatyaiॐ प्रभवत्यै नमः।Om Prabhavatyai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Source of All
647Om Gyaanamurtiॐ ज्ञानमूर्ति नमः।Om Gyaanamurti Namah।The Goddess Who is the Form of Knowledge
648Om Aksharaakaaraॐ अक्षराकृतये नमः।Om Aksharaakaraye Namah।The Goddess Who Takes the Form of the Imperishable
649Om Vishvavallabhaॐ विश्ववल्लभायै नमः।Om Vishvavallabhayai Namah।The Goddess Who is Dear to the Whole Universe
650Om Hamsa Vahanamॐ हंसवाहनायै नमः।Om Hamsavahanayai Namah।The Goddess Who Rides the Swan
651Om Vaidhyaniॐ वैद्यायै नमः।Om Vaidhyayi Namah।The Goddess Who is the Healer
652Om Mahanandaॐ महानन्दायै नमः।Om Mahanandaye Namah।The Goddess Who is the Supreme Bliss
653Om Chandra Mandala Dharaॐ चन्द्रमण्डलधरायै नमः।Om Chandra Mandala Dharayai Namah।The Goddess Who Holds the Moon Disk
654Om Vidyaanaamॐ विद्याणां नमः।Om Vidyaanam Namah।The Goddess Who is the Essence of All Learning
655Om Vaidheeswariॐ वैधेश्वर्यै नमः।Om Vaidheeswari Namah।The Goddess Who is the Queen of Healing
656Om Chittashuddhiॐ चित्तशुद्ध्यै नमः।Om Chittashuddhaye Namah।The Goddess Who Purifies the Mind
657Om Kameshwariॐ कामेश्वर्यै नमः।Om Kameshwari Namah।The Goddess Who is the Lord of Desires
658Om Vidhyaadyaॐ विद्याद्यै नमः।Om Vidhyaadya Namah।The Goddess Who is the Source of All Learning
659Om Ratiayaॐ रत्यै नमः।Om Ratiyai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Embodiment of Love
660Om Dharmaranyaॐ धर्मारण्यायै नमः।Om Dharmaranyayai Namah।The Goddess Who Dwells in the Forest of Righteousness
661Om Chaitanya Sakshatॐ चैतन्यसाक्षात् नमः।Om Chaitanyasakshat Namah।The Goddess Who is the Manifestation of Consciousness
662Om Rudraavataarॐ रुद्रावतारायै नमः।Om Rudraavataarayai Namah।The Goddess Who Appears as Rudra
663Om Krittivasaॐ कृत्तिवासायै नमः।Om Krittivasayai Namah।The Goddess Who Lives in the Sacred Grove
664Om Nitya Shuddhaॐ नित्यशुद्धायै नमः।Om Nitya Shuddhaya Namah।The Goddess Who is Ever Pure
665Om Gangaadharaॐ गंगाधरायै नमः।Om Gangaadharaya Namah।The Goddess Who Holds the Ganges
666Om Purna Chandraॐ पूर्णचन्द्रायै नमः।Om Purna Chandrayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Complete Moon
667Om Vibhavariॐ विभावरी नमः।Om Vibhavari Namah।The Goddess Who is the Illuminating Light
668Om Adityaayaॐ आदित्यायै नमः।Om Adityayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Son of Aditi
669Om Tripura Sundariॐ त्रिपुरा सुन्दरी नमः।Om Tripura Sundari Namah।The Goddess Who is the Beautiful One of the Three Cities
670Om Kshira Sagara Nideshikaॐ क्षीरसागरनिदेशिकायै नमः।Om Kshirasagaranideshikayai Namah।The Goddess Who Guides the Milky Ocean
671Om Viraamacharyaॐ विरामाचार्यायै नमः।Om Viraamacharyayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Teacher of the End of Actions
672Om Vasantaikaॐ वसन्तैकायै नमः।Om Vasantaikayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Essence of Spring
673Om Dhanurvishnuॐ धनुर्विष्णवे नमः।Om Dhanurvishnave Namah।The Goddess Who is the Bow of Vishnu
674Om Mahasiddhiॐ महासिद्धायै नमः।Om Mahasiddhaye Namah।The Goddess Who is the Supreme Accomplished One
675Om Sahasranamaॐ सहस्रनामायै नमः।Om Sahasranamaye Namah।The Goddess Who is the Thousand Names
676Om Vidhushikaॐ विद्युषिकायै नमः।Om Vidhushikayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Illumined One
677Om Niranjanaॐ निरञ्जनायै नमः।Om Niranjanayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Untainted One
678Om Vaarunaabhritॐ वरुणाभृतायै नमः।Om Vaarunaabhritayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Supporter of Varuna
679Om Shantamayaॐ शान्तमयायै नमः।Om Shantamayayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Embodiment of Peace
680Om Anandamurtiॐ आनन्दमूर्तये नमः।Om Anandamurtaye Namah।The Goddess Who is the Form of Bliss
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681Om Vedaadharaॐ वेदाधरायै नमः।Om Vedaadharayai Namah।The Goddess Who Supports the Vedas
682Om Nandiniॐ नंदिन्यै नमः।Om Nandini Namah।The Goddess Who Brings Joy and Happiness
683Om Brahmavidyaॐ ब्रह्मविद्यायै नमः।Om Brahmavidyayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Knowledge of Brahman
684Om Satyavadiॐ सत्यवादी नमः।Om Satyavadi Namah।The Goddess Who Speaks the Truth
685Om Maheshwariॐ महेश्वरी नमः।Om Maheshwari Namah।The Goddess Who is the Great Lord of the Universe
686Om Svapna Darshikaॐ स्वप्नदर्शिकायै नमः।Om Svapna Darshikayai Namah।The Goddess Who Reveals Dreams
687Om Vaaruniॐ वारुणि नमः।Om Vaaruni Namah।The Goddess Who is Associated with Water
688Om Sahasrasirshaॐ सहस्रशिरसै नमः।Om Sahasrasirshay Namah।The Goddess Who Has a Thousand Heads
689Om Vasudeviॐ वासुदेवायै नमः।Om Vasudevyai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Consort of Vasudeva
690Om Yoga Nidraॐ योगनिद्रायै नमः।Om Yoga Nidrayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the State of Yogic Sleep
691Om Rudramurtiॐ रुद्रमूर्तये नमः।Om Rudramurtaye Namah।The Goddess Who is the Form of Rudra
692Om Chandrikaॐ चंद्रिका नमः।Om Chandrika Namah।The Goddess Who is the Moonlight
693Om Vidhatriॐ विद्धात्र्यै नमः।Om Vidhatrayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Creator and Sustainer
694Om Tripuramaॐ त्रिपुरमा नमः।Om Tripurama Namah।The Goddess Who is the Consort of the Three Cities
695Om Yoginiॐ योगिन्यै नमः।Om Yogini Namah।The Goddess Who is the Practitioner of Yoga
696Om Lalithaॐ ललितायै नमः।Om Lalithayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Divine Playful One
697Om Naada Brahmaॐ नादब्रह्मायै नमः।Om Naada Brahmaayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Essence of Sound
698Om Anuradhaॐ अनुराधायै नमः।Om Anuradhayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Most Devoted
699Om Shaktimaanॐ शक्तिमानायै नमः।Om Shaktimaanayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Embodiment of Power
700Om Vata Patraॐ वातपत्रायै नमः।Om Vata Patraayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Leaf of the Vata Tree
701Om Jnana Vairagyaॐ ज्ञानवैराग्यायै नमः।Om Jnana Vairagyayai Namah।The Goddess Who is Knowledge and Detachment
702Om Shubhaॐ शुभायै नमः।Om Shubhayai Namah।The Goddess Who is Auspicious
703Om Varadapriyaॐ वरदप्रीयायै नमः।Om Varadapriyayai Namah।The Goddess Who is Beloved to the Bestower of Boons
704Om Prakritiॐ प्रकृत्यै नमः।Om Prakritayai Namah।The Goddess Who is Nature
705Om Vishvakarmaॐ विश्वकर्मायै नमः।Om Vishvakarmayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Universal Architect
706Om Siddhidhatriॐ सिद्धिदात्री नमः।Om Siddhidhatrayai Namah।The Goddess Who Bestows Success and Accomplishments
707Om Lakshmikaॐ लक्ष्मिकायै नमः।Om Lakshmikayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Form of Lakshmi
708Om Aadhyaॐ आद्यायै नमः।Om Aadhyayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Primordial Energy
709Om Preranaॐ प्रेरणायै नमः।Om Preranayai Namah।The Goddess Who Inspires and Motivates
710Om Kamadhenuॐ कामधेनुः नमः।Om Kamadhenu Namah।The Goddess Who is the Wish-fulfilling Cow
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711Om Vidhataॐ विधातायै नमः।Om Vidhatayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Creator and Sustainer
712Om Shubhanandaॐ शुभानन्दायै नमः।Om Shubhanandayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Source of Auspicious Bliss
713Om Jnana Shaktiॐ ज्ञानशक्त्यै नमः।Om Jnana Shaktyai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Power of Knowledge
714Om Prathamaॐ प्रथमायै नमः।Om Prathamayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the First and Foremost
715Om Vasudharaॐ वसुंधरायै नमः।Om Vasudharayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Earth
716Om Kamalapathniॐ कमलपत्न्यै नमः।Om Kamalapathnyai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Lotus Consort
717Om Sushumnaॐ सुशुम्नायै नमः।Om Sushumnayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Sublime Path of Energy
718Om Dharmapatniॐ धर्मपत्नी नमः।Om Dharmapatni Namah।The Goddess Who is the Righteous Wife
719Om Chandra Prabhaॐ चंद्रप्रभायै नमः।Om Chandra Prabhayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Moonlight Radiance
720Om Chaitanyaॐ चैतन्यायै नमः।Om Chaitanyayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Vitality and Consciousness
721Om Bhavaniॐ भवानी नमः।Om Bhavani Namah।The Goddess Who is the Source of Creation
722Om Aashritaॐ आश्रितायै नमः।Om Aashritayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Refuge
723Om Vajreshwariॐ वज्रेश्वरी नमः।Om Vajreshwari Namah।The Goddess Who Wields the Thunderbolt
724Om Adhishthanaॐ अधिष्ठानायै नमः।Om Adhishthanayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Support of the Universe
725Om Kalaratriॐ कालरात्र्यै नमः।Om Kalaratryai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Dark Night of Time
726Om Daksha Prajapatiॐ दक्षपितृ नमः।Om Daksha Prajapati Namah।The Goddess Who is the Father of Creation
727Om Yashodaॐ यशोदायै नमः।Om Yashodayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Mother of Lord Krishna
728Om Sarvamaṅgalāॐ सर्वमंगलायै नमः।Om Sarvamangalyai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Source of All Auspiciousness
729Om Kshirabhavaॐ क्षीरभवायै नमः।Om Kshirabhavayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Essence of the Ocean of Milk
730Om Raktakamaladalaॐ रक्तकमलादलायै नमः।Om Raktakamaladlayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Red Lotus Holder
731Om Siddheshvariॐ सिद्धेश्वरी नमः।Om Siddheshvaryai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Supreme Achiever
732Om Satyapriyaॐ सत्यप्रियायै नमः।Om Satyapriyayai Namah।The Goddess Who Loves the Truth
733Om Satyavratamॐ सत्यव्रतायै नमः।Om Satyavratayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Oath of Truth
734Om Gyaneshwariॐ ज्ञानेश्वरी नमः।Om Gyaneshwari Namah।The Goddess Who is the Goddess of Knowledge
735Om Mahadeviॐ महादेव्या नमः।Om Mahadevya Namah।The Goddess Who is the Great Goddess
736Om Chitrapathaॐ चित्रपथायै नमः।Om Chitrapathayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Path of the Divine Image
737Om Shaktipradaॐ शक्तिप्रदायै नमः।Om Shaktipradayai Namah।The Goddess Who Bestows Power
738Om Yogeshwariॐ योगेश्वरी नमः।Om Yogeshwari Namah।The Goddess Who is the Supreme Yogini
739Om Savitriॐ सावित्री नमः।Om Savitri Namah।The Goddess Who is the Source of Creation
740Om Rajeshwariॐ राजेश्वरी नमः।Om Rajeshwari Namah।The Goddess Who is the Queen of the Universe
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741Om Avyayaॐ अव्ययायै नमः।Om Avyayayai Namah।The Goddess Who is Imperishable
742Om Padmavatiॐ पद्मावती नमः।Om Padmavati Namah।The Goddess Who Resides in the Lotus
743Om Vashiniॐ वशिनी नमः।Om Vashini Namah।The Goddess Who Controls and Governs
744Om Yaminॐ यामिनि नमः।Om Yamini Namah।The Goddess Who is the Night and Evening
745Om Vishvakarmaॐ विश्वकर्मायै नमः।Om Vishvakarmayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Universal Architect
746Om Anantaॐ अनन्तायै नमः।Om Anantayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Infinite and Eternal
747Om Mahalakshmiॐ महालक्ष्मी नमः।Om Mahalakshmi Namah।The Goddess Who is the Great Lakshmi
748Om Bhairaviॐ भैरवी नमः।Om Bhairavi Namah।The Goddess Who is Fierce and Terrifying
749Om Nandiniॐ नंदिनी नमः।Om Nandini Namah।The Goddess Who is the Source of Joy and Bliss
750Om Nityaॐ नित्यायै नमः।Om Nityayai Namah।The Goddess Who is Eternal and Constant
751Om Shantiniॐ शान्तिनि नमः।Om Shantini Namah।The Goddess Who Brings Peace
752Om Kamakshiॐ कामाक्षी नमः।Om Kamakshi Namah।The Goddess Who is the Desire-Eyed
753Om Gayatriॐ गायत्र्यै नमः।Om Gayatryai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Vedic Hymn of Enlightenment
754Om Prakritiॐ प्रकृत्यै नमः।Om Prakritayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Primal Nature
755Om Samhitaॐ संहिता नमः।Om Samhita Namah।The Goddess Who is the Collection and Compilation
756Om Sudarshanaॐ सुदर्शनायै नमः।Om Sudarshanayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Beautiful Vision
757Om Lakshmanaॐ लक्ष्मणायै नमः।Om Lakshmanayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Sister of Lord Rama
758Om Veda Mataॐ वेद मातायै नमः।Om Veda Matayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Mother of the Vedas
759Om Kumudiniॐ कुमुदिनी नमः।Om Kumudini Namah।The Goddess Who is the Lotus Blossom
760Om Charushilaॐ चारुशिला नमः।Om Charushila Namah।The Goddess Who is the Beautiful Stone
761Om Swarnakshiॐ स्वर्णाक्षी नमः।Om Swarnakshi Namah।The Goddess Who has Golden Eyes
762Om Kalyaniॐ कल्याणायै नमः।Om Kalyanyai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Source of Welfare
763Om Arundhatiॐ अरुंधतायै नमः।Om Arundhatayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Noble and Pure
764Om Vamadeviॐ वामदेवायै नमः।Om Vamadevayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Gentle and Compassionate
765Om Medhaviॐ मेधावी नमः।Om Medhavi Namah।The Goddess Who is Intelligent and Wise
766Om Shantideviॐ शान्तिदेवी नमः।Om Shantidevi Namah।The Goddess Who Bestows Peace and Calmness
767Om Manjulaॐ मंजुलायै नमः।Om Manjulayai Namah।The Goddess Who is Charming and Delightful
768Om Vishwajitॐ विश्वजितायै नमः।Om Vishwajitayai Namah।The Goddess Who Conquers the Universe
769Om Svarnapadmaॐ स्वर्णपद्मायै नमः।Om Svarnapadmayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Golden Lotus
770Om Laxmipradaॐ लक्ष्मीप्रदायै नमः।Om Laxmipradayai Namah।The Goddess Who Bestows Wealth and Prosperity
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771Om Sudhaॐ सुधायै नमः।Om Sudhayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Nectar of Immortality
772Om Chitrangadaॐ चित्रांगदायै नमः।Om Chitrangadayai Namah।The Goddess Who has a Beautiful Body
773Om Prithviॐ पृथ्वी नमः।Om Prithvi Namah।The Goddess Who is the Earth
774Om Hamsaॐ हंसायै नमः।Om Hamsayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Swan, Symbol of Purity
775Om Varunaॐ वरुणाय नमः।Om Varunay Namah।The Goddess Who is the God of Rain and Cosmic Order
776Om Kshetrapalikaॐ क्षेत्रपालिकायै नमः।Om Kshetrapalikayai Namah।The Goddess Who Protects the Sacred Field
777Om Vidhatriॐ विधात्र्यै नमः।Om Vidhatrayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Creator of the Universe
778Om Jayaॐ जयाय नमः।Om Jayay Namah।The Goddess Who is Victory and Triumph
779Om Taraॐ तारायै नमः।Om Tarayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Star or the Savior
780Om Aditiॐ अदितायै नमः।Om Aditayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Mother of the Gods
781Om Dhanalakshmiॐ धनलक्ष्मी नमः।Om Dhanalakshmi Namah।The Goddess Who is the Wealth of Prosperity and Riches
782Om Rudraniॐ रुद्राणी नमः।Om Rudrani Namah।The Goddess Who is the Consort of Rudra (Shiva)
783Om Anandiniॐ आनंदिनी नमः।Om Anandini Namah।The Goddess Who is the Source of Bliss and Joy
784Om Shaktiॐ शक्ति नमः।Om Shakti Namah।The Goddess Who is the Divine Power and Energy
785Om Yashodaॐ यशोदा नमः।Om Yashoda Namah।The Goddess Who is the Mother of Lord Krishna
786Om Satyabhamaॐ सत्यभामायै नमः।Om Satyabhamayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Beloved of Lord Krishna
787Om Divyaॐ दिव्यायै नमः।Om Divyayai Namah।The Goddess Who is Divine and Radiant
788Om Kamaliniॐ कमलिनी नमः।Om Kamalini Namah।The Goddess Who is the Lotus Maiden
789Om Medhaॐ मेधायै नमः।Om Medhayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Personification of Wisdom
790Om Maitreyaॐ मैत्रेय नमः।Om Maitreya Namah।The Goddess Who is the Friend and Benefactor
791Om Parvatiॐ पार्वत्यै नमः।Om Parvatyai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Daughter of the Mountain
792Om Chaitanyaॐ चैतन्याय नमः।Om Chaitanyay Namah।The Goddess Who is the Consciousness and Spirit
793Om Sushilaॐ सुषीला नमः।Om Sushila Namah।The Goddess Who is the Virtuous and Good
794Om Charumatiॐ चारुमती नमः।Om Charumati Namah।The Goddess Who is the One with the Beautiful Mind
795Om Mangalaॐ मंगलाय नमः।Om Mangalay Namah।The Goddess Who is Auspicious and Fortunate
796Om Vidhyaॐ विद्या नमः।Om Vidhya Namah।The Goddess Who is Knowledge and Learning
797Om Anvithaॐ अन्विता नमः।Om Anvitha Namah।The Goddess Who is the One with Insight
798Om Dharaॐ धारायै नमः।Om Dharayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Sustainer and Supporter
799Om Gangaॐ गंगायै नमः।Om Gangayai Namah।The Goddess Who is the Sacred River Ganga
800Om Chandrikaॐ चंद्रिका नमः।Om Chandrika Namah।The Goddess Who is the Moonlight and Radiance
801Shivaaॐ शिवायै नमः।Om Shivayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Consort of Shiva
802Sugrahaaॐ सुगृह्यै नमः।Om Sugrihyai Namah.The Goddess Who has a Home Without Sorrow
803Rakta bijantaaॐ रक्तबीजान्तायै नमः।Om Raktabijantayai Namah.The Goddess Who Killed Raktabija
804Hatakandarpa jeevikaॐ हतकन्दर्पजीविकायै नमः।Om Hatakandarpajivikayai Namah.The Goddess Who gave Life to God of Love Who was Killed
805Samudra vyoma madhyasthaaॐ समुद्रव्योममध्यस्थायै नमः।Om Samudravyomamadhyasthayai Namah.The Goddess Who is in Between Sky and Ocean
806Samabindu samashrayaaॐ समबिन्दुसमाश्रयायै नमः।Om Samabindusamashrayayai Namah.The Goddess Who Lives in the Dot in the Sri Chakra
807Saubhagyarasa jeevatuॐ सौभाग्यरसजीवातवे नमः।Om Saubhagyarasajivatave Namah.The Goddess Who Lives with Different Forms of Wealth and Luck
808Saarasaara vivekadrikॐ सारासारविवेकदृशे नमः।Om Sarasaravivekadrishe Namah.The Goddess Who has Wisdom to Classify Knowledge into Various Aspects
809Trivalyadi supushtaangaaॐ त्रिवल्यादिसुपुष्टाङ्गायै नमः।Om Trivalyadisupushtangayai Namah.The Goddess Who has a Healthy Body with Three Folds in Her Hip
810Bharatiॐ भारत्यै नमः।Om Bharatyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Saraswati
811Bharataashritaaॐ भरताश्रितायै नमः।Om Bharatashritayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Sita Worshipped by Bharata
812Nadabrahma mayi vidyaaॐ नादब्रह्ममयीविद्यायै नमः।Om Nadabrahmamayividyayai Namah.The Knowledge of the God of Sound Which Pervades Everywhere
813Gyanabrahma mayi paraaॐ ज्ञानब्रह्ममयीपरायै नमः।Om Jnanabrahmamayiparayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Divine Knowledge of Brahman
814Brahmanadiॐ ब्रह्मनाड्यै नमः।Om Brahmanadyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Sushumna
815Niruktiॐ निरुक्तये नमः।Om Niruktaye Namah.The Goddess Who Cannot be Explained
816Brahma kaivalya saadhanaaॐ ब्रह्मकैवल्यसाधनायै नमः।Om Brahmakaivalyasadhanayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Way to Salvation
817Kalikeya Mahodhaara veerya Vikrama roopiniॐ कालिकेयमहोदारवीर्य-विक्रमरूपिण्यै नमः।Om Kalikeyamahodaravirya-vikramarupinyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Responsible for the Great Strength of the Snake Called Kalikeya
818Vadavagni shikha vaktraaॐ बडबाग्निशिखावक्त्रायै नमः।Om Badabagnishikhavaktrayai Namah.The Goddess Who has Vadavagni (Fire Underneath Ocean) as Her Face
819Mahakabala tarpanaaॐ महाकबलतर्पणायै नमः।Om Mahakabalatarpanayai Namah.The Goddess Who Swallows All at Deluge and Gets Satisfied
820Mahabhootaaॐ महाभूतायै नमः।Om Mahabhutayai Namah.The Goddess Who has a Big Body
821Mahadarpaॐ महादर्पायै नमः।Om Mahadarpayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Very Proud
822Mahasaraॐ महासारायै नमः।Om Mahasarayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Ultimate Meaning
823Mahakratuॐ महाक्रतवे नमः।Om Mahakratave Namah.The Goddess Who is Worshipped by Big Yaga
824Panchabhoota mahagrasaॐ पञ्चभूतमहाग्रासायै नमः।Om Panchabhutamahagrasayai Namah.The Goddess Who Swallows Five Elements During Deluge
825Panchabhootadhi devataॐ पञ्चभूताधिदेवतायै नमः।Om Panchabhutadhidevatayai Namah.The God Controlling the Five Elements
826Sarva pramaanaaॐ सर्वप्रमाणायै नमः।Om Sarvapramanayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Cause of Everything
827Sampattiॐ सम्पत्तये नमः।Om Sampattaye Namah.The Goddess Who is Wealth
828Sarvaroga pratikriyaॐ सर्वरोगप्रतिक्रियायै नमः।Om Sarvarogapratikriyayai Namah.The Goddess Who has Cures for All Diseases
829Brahmandantar bahivyaptaaॐ ब्रह्माण्डान्तर्बहिर्व्याप्तायै नमः।Om Brahmandantarbahirvyaptayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Spread Inside and Outside the Brahmanda
830Vishnu vaksho vibhooshiniॐ विष्णुवक्षोविभूषिण्यै नमः।Om Vishnuvakshovibhushinyai Namah.The Goddess Who Decorates the Chest of Lord Vishnu
831Shaankariॐ शाङ्कर्यै नमः।Om Shankaryai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Power of Shankara
832Vidhi vaktrasthaॐ विधिवक्त्रस्थायै नमः।Om Vidhivaktrasthayai Namah.The Goddess Who is on the Face of Brahma-Saraswati
833Pravaraaॐ प्रवरायै नमः।Om Pravarayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Greatest
834Vara hetukiॐ वरहेतुक्यै नमः।Om Varahetukyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Cause of All Boons
835Hema malaॐ हेममालायै नमः।Om Hemamalayai Namah.The Goddess Who Wears a Golden Necklace
836Shikha malaॐ शिखामालायै नमः।Om Shikhamalayai Namah.The Goddess Who Wears a Garland of Heads
837Trishikhaॐ त्रिशिखायै नमः।Om Trishikhayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Three Vedas
838Panchalochanaaॐ पञ्चलोचनायै नमः।Om Panchalochanayai Namah.The Goddess Who has Five Eyes
839Sarvagama sadachara maryadaॐ सर्वागमसदाचारमर्यादायै नमः।Om Sarvagamasadacharamaryadayai Namah.The Goddess Who Observes All the Rituals Mentioned in All Scriptures
840Yatubhanjaniॐ यातुभञ्जन्यै नमः।Om Yatubhanjanyai Namah.The Goddess Who Destroys the Demons
841Mahashaktimayiॐ महाशक्तिमयी नमः।Om Mahashaktimayyi Namah.The Goddess Who is the Embodiment of Supreme Power
842Yogadarshiniॐ योगदर्शिनी नमः।Om Yogadarshini Namah.The Goddess Who Shows the Path of Yoga
843Manikya Malaॐ मणिक्यमालायै नमः।Om Manikyamalayai Namah.The Goddess Who Wears a Necklace of Gems
844Tantrikaॐ तन्त्रिकायै नमः।Om Tantrikayai Namah.The Goddess Who is an Expert in Tantra
845Vishwakarmaॐ विश्वकर्मायै नमः।Om Vishwakarayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Architect of the Universe
846Jnana Murtayeॐ ज्ञानमूर्तये नमः।Om Jnanamurtaye Namah.The Goddess Who is the Form of Knowledge
847Shantayaॐ शान्तायै नमः।Om Shantayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Peaceful
848Kshama Deviॐ क्षमा देवयै नमः।Om Kshama Devyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Deity of Forgiveness
849Ananda Shaktiॐ आनन्दशक्त्यै नमः।Om Ananda Shaktyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Energy of Bliss
850Saraswati Vidyaॐ सरस्वती विद्याति नमः।Om Saraswati Vidyat Namah.The Goddess Who is the Knowledge of Saraswati
851Chintanaॐ चिन्तनायै नमः।Om Chintanayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Contemplation
852Ananta Suktamॐ अनन्तसूक्तायै नमः।Om Anantasuktayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Endless Hymn
853Veda Mataॐ वेदमातायै नमः।Om Veda Matayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Mother of Vedas
854Prakritiॐ प्रकृत्यै नमः।Om Prakritayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Nature
855Atma Vidyaॐ आत्मविद्यायै नमः।Om Atmavidyayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Knowledge of the Soul
856Siddharthaॐ सिद्धार्थायै नमः।Om Siddharthayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Achiever of Goals
857Mahashaktipradaॐ महाशक्तिप्रदायै नमः।Om Mahashaktipradayai Namah.The Goddess Who Bestows Supreme Power
858Svarnadhvajaॐ स्वर्णध्वजायै नमः।Om Svarnadhvajayai Namah.The Goddess Who has a Golden Banner
859Kaala Jnanaॐ कालज्ञानायै नमः।Om Kalajnayai Namah.The Goddess Who Knows Time
860Rudra Roopaॐ रुद्ररूपायै नमः।Om Rudrarupayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Form of Rudra
861Mahavidyaॐ महाविद्यायै नमः।Om Mahavidyayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Supreme Knowledge
862Prabha Deviॐ प्रभा देवयै नमः।Om Prabha Devyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Deity of Light
863Shakti Dhamaॐ शक्तिधामायै नमः।Om Shaktidhamaayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Abode of Power
864Aishwaryaॐ ऐश्वर्यायै नमः।Om Aishwaryayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Wealth and Prosperity
865Dhanalakshmiॐ धनलक्ष्म्यै नमः।Om Dhanalakshmyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Wealth and Fortune
866Bhairaviॐ भैरवायै नमः।Om Bhairavayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Fearsome
867Satyavathiॐ सत्यवत्यै नमः।Om Satyavatyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Truthful
868Chaturbhujadharaॐ चतुरभुजधारिण्यै नमः।Om Chaturbhujadharinya Namah.The Goddess Who Holds Four Arms
869Shodashiॐ शोदश्यै नमः।Om Shodashyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Sixteen-Year-Old Girl
870Rajarajeswariॐ राजराजेश्वरी नमः।Om Rajarajeswaryai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Queen of Kings
871Vidhatriॐ विधात्र्यै नमः।Om Vidhatryai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Creator
872Lakshmi Nathaaॐ लक्ष्मीनाथाय नमः।Om Lakshminathaya Namah.The Goddess Who is the Lord of Lakshmi
873Sada Shaktiॐ सदा शक्ते नमः।Om Sada Shakti Namah.The Goddess Who is Always the Power
874Hariniॐ हारिण्यै नमः।Om Harinyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Deer-like Form
875Tripura Sundariॐ त्रिपुरसुन्दरी नमः।Om Tripurasundari Namah.The Goddess Who is Beautiful in Three Cities
876Kamalathmikaॐ कमलात्मिकायै नमः।Om Kamalathmikayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Soul of the Lotus
877Veenavadiniॐ वीणावादिन्यै नमः।Om Veenvadinayai Namah.The Goddess Who Plays the Veena
878Mahavishnuॐ महाविष्णो नमः।Om Mahavishnave Namah.The Goddess Who is the Great Vishnu
879Bhagavathiॐ भगवत्यै नमः।Om Bhagavatayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Divine
880Aksharaॐ अक्षरायै नमः।Om Aksharayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Imperishable
881Varaprasadiniॐ वरप्रसादिनी नमः।Om Varaprasadini Namah.The Goddess Who Bestows Boons
882Mahamayaॐ महामायायै नमः।Om Mahamayayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Great Illusion
883Nirvaniॐ निर्वाणायै नमः।Om Nirvanayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Ultimate Liberation
884Gauri Deviॐ गौरी देवयै नमः।Om Gauri Devyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Fair and Beautiful
885Rudrakshaॐ रुद्राक्षाय नमः।Om Rudrakshaya Namah.The Goddess Who is the Sacred Rudraksha
886Maheshwariॐ महेश्वरी नमः।Om Maheshwari Namah.The Goddess Who is the Great Lord
887Rajarameshwariॐ राजारमेश्वरी नमः।Om Rajarameshwari Namah.The Goddess Who is the Queen of Kings
888Shantalaॐ शान्तलायै नमः।Om Shantalayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Peaceful
889Shubhamurthyॐ शुभमूर्ति नमः।Om Shubhamurthy Namah.The Goddess Who is Auspicious Form
890Nityaॐ नित्यायै नमः।Om Nityayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Eternal
891Chidambaramॐ चिदंबरायै नमः।Om Chidambarayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Cosmic Space
892Aditi Deviॐ आदित्यायै नमः।Om Aditayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Mother of the Gods
893Vijayaॐ विजयाय नमः।Om Vijayaya Namah.The Goddess Who is Victorious
894Ananta Shaktiॐ अनन्तशक्ताय नमः।Om Anantashaktay Namah.The Goddess Who is Infinite Power
895Rukmini Deviॐ रुक्मिण्यै नमः।Om Rukminyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Radiant One
896Kamakshi Deviॐ कामाक्ष्यै नमः।Om Kamakshyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Eye of Desire
897Sarvamangalaॐ सर्वमंगलायै नमः।Om Sarvamangalayai Namah.The Goddess Who is All-Auspicious
898Shubhanidhiॐ शुभनिध्यै नमः।Om Shubhanidhyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Treasure of Auspiciousness
899Pranadayaॐ प्राणदायै नमः।Om Pranadayai Namah.The Goddess Who Bestows Life
900Mahapadmaॐ महापद्माय नमः।Om Mahapadmay Namah.The Goddess Who is the Great Lotus
901Swarnavalliॐ स्वर्णवल्ली नमः।Om Swarnavalliy Namah.The Goddess Who is the Golden Creeper
902Rajyalakshmiॐ राज्यलक्ष्म्यै नमः।Om Rajyalakshmyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Goddess of the Kingdom
903Niranjanaॐ निरञ्जनाय नमः।Om Niranjanaya Namah.The Goddess Who is Pure and Spotless
904Sushila Deviॐ सुशीला देवी नमः।Om Sushila Devi Namah.The Goddess Who is Virtuous and Well-Behaved
905Kamalakshiॐ कमलाक्ष्यै नमः।Om Kamalakshyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Lotus-Eyed One
906Brahmachariniॐ ब्रह्मचारिण्यै नमः।Om Brahmacharinyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Celibate and Devoted
907Shantipriyaॐ शान्तिप्रियाय नमः।Om Shantipriyay Namah.The Goddess Who is Loved by Peace
908Chandikaॐ चण्डिकायै नमः।Om Chandikayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Fierce and Powerful
909Vidhya Lakshmiॐ विद्यालक्ष्म्यै नमः।Om Vidyalakshmyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Wealth of Learning
910Veda Sundariॐ वेदसुन्दरी नमः।Om Veda Sundari Namah.The Goddess Who is Beautiful as the Vedas
911Aishwarya Lakshmiॐ ऐश्वर्यलक्ष्म्यै नमः।Om Aishwaryalakshmyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Wealth of Prosperity
912Dakshinaॐ दक्षिणाय नमः।Om Dakshinay Namah.The Goddess Who is the South Direction
913Shubhamkariॐ शुभंकारी नमः।Om Shubhamkari Namah.The Goddess Who is the Doer of Auspiciousness
914Suryaprakashॐ सूर्यप्रकाशाय नमः।Om Suryaprakashaya Namah.The Goddess Who is the Light of the Sun
915Jaya Deviॐ जयाय नमः।Om Jayaya Namah.The Goddess Who is Victory
916Vishweshwariॐ विश्वेश्वरी नमः।Om Vishweshwari Namah.The Goddess Who is the Lord of the Universe
917Rameshwariॐ रमेश्वरी नमः।Om Rameshwari Namah.The Goddess Who is the Queen of Rama
918Kamadhenuॐ कामधेनु नमः।Om Kamadhenu Namah.The Goddess Who is the Divine Cow
919Durga Deviॐ दुर्गायै नमः।Om Durgayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Invincible One
920Ratnagarbhaॐ रत्नगर्भाय नमः।Om Ratnagarbhaya Namah.The Goddess Who Holds Jewels
921Shreya Deviॐ श्रेया देवी नमः।Om Shreya Devi Namah.The Goddess Who is Auspicious and Prosperous
922Samhitaॐ संहितायै नमः।Om Samhitayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Collection of Hymns
923Lakshmi Narayanaॐ लक्ष्मीनारायणाय नमः।Om Lakshminarayana Namah.The Goddess Who is the Lord of Lakshmi
924Vijnanaॐ विज्ञानाय नमः।Om Vijnanaya Namah.The Goddess Who is the Wisdom
925Chandra Deviॐ चन्द्राय नमः।Om Chandraya Namah.The Goddess Who is the Moon
926Ganesha Priyaॐ गणेशप्रियाय नमः।Om Ganeshapriyay Namah.The Goddess Who Loves Ganesha
927Purnimaॐ पूर्णिमायै नमः।Om Purnimayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Full and Complete
928Jnana Sundariॐ ज्ञानसुन्दरी नमः।Om Jnanasundari Namah.The Goddess Who is the Beauty of Knowledge
929Manoharaॐ मनोहरायै नमः।Om Manoharayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Charming
930Vasantha Deviॐ वसन्ताय नमः।Om Vasanthaya Namah.The Goddess Who is the Spring
931Vidya Deviॐ विद्यायै नमः।Om Vidyayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Knowledge
932Lakshmi Saraswatiॐ लक्ष्मीसरस्वत्यै नमः।Om Lakshmisarasvatyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Wealth and Knowledge
933Ganapatiॐ गणपतये नमः।Om Ganapataye Namah.The Goddess Who is the Lord of Ganas
934Apsara Deviॐ अप्सरायै नमः।Om Apsarayai Namah.The Goddess Who is a Celestial Nymph
935Ashwini Kumariॐ अश्विनी कुमारी नमः।Om Ashwini Kumari Namah.The Goddess Who is the Daughter of Ashwini
936Bhagavatiॐ भगवती नमः।Om Bhagavati Namah.The Goddess Who is the Supreme Being
937Manisha Deviॐ मनीषायै नमः।Om Manishayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Wisdom
938Anju Deviॐ अञ्जू देवी नमः।Om Anju Devi Namah.The Goddess Who is Bright and Radiant
939Shakti Deviॐ शक्ति देवी नमः।Om Shakti Devi Namah.The Goddess Who is Power
940Radhikaॐ राधिकायै नमः।Om Radhikayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Successful and Prosperous
941Laxmi Narayaniॐ लक्ष्मीनारायणाय नमः।Om Lakshminarayani Namah.The Goddess Who is the Protector of Lakshmi
942Kalpana Deviॐ कल्पनायै नमः।Om Kalpanayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Imagination
943Bhagavathiॐ भगवत्यै नमः।Om Bhagavatyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Supreme
944Harini Deviॐ हरिण्यै नमः।Om Harinyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Deer
945Kanaka Durgaॐ कनकदुर्गायै नमः।Om Kanakadurga Namah.The Goddess Who is Golden and Fortified
946Priya Deviॐ प्रियायै नमः।Om Priyayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Beloved
947Maheshwariॐ महेश्वरी नमः।Om Maheshwari Namah.The Goddess Who is the Great Goddess
948Bhavani Deviॐ भवानी देवी नमः।Om Bhavani Devi Namah.The Goddess Who is the Source of Existence
949Tanushreeॐ तनुष्री नमः।Om Tanushree Namah.The Goddess Who is Delicate and Beautiful
950Avani Deviॐ अवनि देवी नमः।Om Avani Devi Namah.The Goddess Who is the Earth
951Yashoda Deviॐ यशोदायै नमः।Om Yashodayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Glorious
952Indira Deviॐ इन्दिरायै नमः।Om Indirayay Namah.The Goddess Who is Prosperous
953Venkateshwariॐ वेंकटेश्वरी नमः।Om Venkateshwari Namah.The Goddess Who is the Consort of Lord Vishnu
954Kalavatiॐ कालवती नमः।Om Kalavati Namah.The Goddess Who is the Eternal One
955Eshwari Deviॐ ईश्वर्यै नमः।Om Ishwaryai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Supreme Being
956Pratyangira Deviॐ प्रत्यंगिरायै नमः।Om Pratyangirayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Fierce and Protective
957Chitra Deviॐ चित्रायै नमः।Om Chitrayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Artist
958Vinaya Deviॐ विनयायै नमः।Om Vinayayi Namah.The Goddess Who is Humble
959Mallika Deviॐ मल्लिकायै नमः।Om Mallikayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Jasmine Flower
960Meera Deviॐ मीरा देवी नमः।Om Meera Devi Namah.The Goddess Who is Oceanic and Boundless
961Vasundharaॐ वसुंधरायै नमः।Om Vasundharayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Earth
962Chandrikaॐ चंद्रिकायै नमः।Om Chandrikayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Moonlight
963Swati Deviॐ स्वातिकायै नमः।Om Swatikayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Pure and Auspicious
964Kalyani Deviॐ कल्याणायै नमः।Om Kalyanayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Auspicious and Beneficial
965Nandini Deviॐ नंदिन्यै नमः।Om Nandinyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Joyful and Blissful
966Lakshmi Prabhaॐ लक्ष्मीप्रभायै नमः।Om Lakshmiprabha Namah.The Goddess Who is Radiant and Glorious
967Varalakshmiॐ वरलक्ष्म्यै नमः।Om Varalakshmyai Namah.The Goddess Who Grants Boons
968Manjari Deviॐ मंजरी देवी नमः।Om Manjari Devi Namah.The Goddess Who is a Blooming Flower
969Gayatri Deviॐ गायत्र्यै नमः।Om Gayatryai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Vedic Hymn
970Shubhangiॐ शुभांगी नमः।Om Shubhangi Namah.The Goddess Who is Auspicious and Beautiful
971Sushma Deviॐ सुश्मायै नमः।Om Sushmayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Radiant and Graceful
972Prabhavatiॐ प्रभवत्यै नमः।Om Prabhavatyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Illustrious and Powerful
973Shanta Deviॐ शान्तायै नमः।Om Shantayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Peaceful
974Bhuvaneshwariॐ भुवनेश्वर्यै नमः।Om Bhuvaneshwaryai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Sovereign of the World
975Mangaladeviॐ मंगलादेवीं नमः।Om Mangaladevi Namah.The Goddess Who is Auspicious
976Shree Deviॐ श्री देवी नमः।Om Shree Devi Namah.The Goddess Who is Wealth and Prosperity
977Sumanthiniॐ सुमंतिन्यै नमः।Om Sumanthinyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Thoughtful and Wise
978Amriteshwariॐ अमृतेश्वरी नमः।Om Amriteshwari Namah.The Goddess Who is Immortal and Divine
979Gauri Deviॐ गौरी देवी नमः।Om Gauri Devi Namah.The Goddess Who is Bright and Fair
980Rajeshwariॐ राजेश्वरी नमः।Om Rajeshwari Namah.The Goddess Who is the Queen of the Universe
981Shailaja Deviॐ शैलजायै नमः।Om Shailajayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Daughter of the Mountain
982Tapasya Deviॐ तपस्यायै नमः।Om Tapasyayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Devout and Ascetic
983Vani Deviॐ वाणी देवी नमः।Om Vani Devi Namah.The Goddess Who is the Voice and Speech
984Aditi Deviॐ अदितिः नमः।Om Aditih Namah.The Goddess Who is the Mother of Gods
985Asmita Deviॐ अस्मिता देवी नमः।Om Asmita Devi Namah.The Goddess Who is Self-Respect and Identity
986Chandra Kumariॐ चंद्रकुमारी नमः।Om Chandrakumari Namah.The Goddess Who is the Daughter of the Moon
987Mahakaliॐ महाकली नमः।Om Mahakali Namah.The Goddess Who is the Great Kali
988Kamakshi Deviॐ कामाक्षी देवी नमः।Om Kamakshi Devi Namah.The Goddess Who is the Eye of Desire
989Tripura Sundariॐ त्रिपुरा सुंदरी नमः।Om Tripura Sundari Namah.The Goddess Who is Beautiful in Three Worlds
990Prerana Deviॐ प्रेरणायै नमः।Om Preranayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Inspirational
991Jaya Deviॐ जयायै नमः।Om Jayayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Victorious
992Rukmini Deviॐ रुक्मिण्यै नमः।Om Rukminyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Beautiful and Resplendent
993Kanakadurgaॐ कनकदुर्गायै नमः।Om Kanakadurga Namah.The Goddess Who is Golden and Fortified
994Gayatri Deviॐ गायत्र्यै नमः।Om Gayatryai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Vedic Hymn
995Vidhatri Deviॐ विधात्र्यै नमः।Om Vidhatryai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Creator
996Shakti Deviॐ शक्त्यै नमः।Om Shaktyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Power
997Satyavatiॐ सत्यवत्यै नमः।Om Satyavatyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Truthful
998Indira Deviॐ इंदिरायै नमः।Om Indirayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Radiant and Prosperous
999Aishwarya Deviॐ ऐश्वर्यायै नमः।Om Aishwaryai Namah.The Goddess Who is Wealthy and Prosperous
1000Vasudha Deviॐ वसुधायै नमः।Om Vasudhayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Earth and Abundance
1001Kumudiniॐ कुमुदिन्यै नमः।Om Kumudinyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Lotus Pond
1002Radhika Deviॐ राधिकायै नमः।Om Radhikayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Prosperous and Radiant
1003Sahasraraॐ सहस्त्राराय नमः।Om Sahastraray Namah.The Goddess Who is the Thousand-Petaled Lotus
1004Sharmila Deviॐ शर्मिलायै नमः।Om Sharmilayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Protector and Comforter
1005Nitya Deviॐ नित्याय नमः।Om Nityay Namah.The Goddess Who is Eternal and Everlasting
1006Manisha Deviॐ मनीषायै नमः।Om Manishayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Intelligent and Wise
1007Keshava Deviॐ केशवायै नमः।Om Keshavayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Beautiful-haired
1008Chaitanya Deviॐ चैतन्यायै नमः।Om Chaitanyayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Conscious and Spiritually Alive
1009Pranjal Deviॐ प्रांजलायै नमः।Om Pranjalayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Sincere and Pure
1010Rajalakshmiॐ राजलक्ष्म्यै नमः।Om Rajalakshmyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Queen of Wealth
1011Janaki Deviॐ जानक्यै नमः।Om Janakyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Daughter of Janaka
1012Manjari Deviॐ मञ्जर्यै नमः।Om Manjaryai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Blossom
1013Lakshmi Deviॐ लक्ष्म्यै नमः।Om Lakshmyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Prosperity and Fortune
1014Kalpana Deviॐ कल्पनायै नमः।Om Kalpanayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Imagination and Creativity
1015Ananya Deviॐ अनन्यायै नमः।Om Ananyayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Unique and Unparalleled
1016Bhavani Deviॐ भवानीyai नमः।Om Bhavanyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Source of the Universe
1017Charulata Deviॐ चारुलत्यै नमः।Om Charulatayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Graceful and Elegant
1018Deepa Deviॐ दीपायै नमः।Om Deepayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Light
1019Ekta Deviॐ एकतायै नमः।Om Ektayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Unity and Harmony
1020Girija Deviॐ गिरिजायै नमः।Om Girijayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Daughter of the Mountain
1021Hemavati Deviॐ हेमवत्यै नमः।Om Hemavatayai Namah.The Goddess Who is Golden and Radiant
1022Kalyani Deviॐ काल्यै नमः।Om Kalyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Auspicious and Beneficial
1023Mohini Deviॐ मोहिन्यै नमः।Om Mohinyai Namah.The Goddess Who Enchants and Bewitches
1024Nandini Deviॐ नंदिन्यै नमः।Om Nandinyai Namah.The Goddess Who Brings Joy and Bliss
1025Padmavati Deviॐ पद्मवत्यै नमः।Om Padmavatyai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Lotus-Born
1026Rukmini Deviॐ रुक्मिण्यै नमः।Om Rukminyai Namah.The Goddess Who is Radiant and Beautiful
1027Savitri Deviॐ सावित्रीyai नमः।Om Savitryai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Source of All Light
1028Tripura Sundariॐ त्रिपुरसुन्दरीyai नमः।Om Tripura Sundaryai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Beautiful One of the Three Cities
1029Usha Deviॐ उषायै नमः।Om Ushayai Namah.The Goddess Who is the Dawn
1030Vishalakshiॐ विशालाक्ष्यै नमः।Om Vishalakshyai Namah.The Goddess Who has Large Eyes


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