Flats for Sale in Beeramguda,
Beeramguda, pH:-7993751778
Block -B:
1005, sft, North Facing,
2BHK, Flats Available,
Apartment Flates Available Floor s:-
? B-black:-1005 sft, North faceing, 2 bhk, Ready to Move, 1 ,4 th ,lfloor s Available,
NEAR TO property
* 3 km away from BHEL, Chandanagar,
* 1 km away from Mumbai High way (Beeramguda Main Road)
* 6 km away from Gachibowli,
* 5 km away from ORR Sultanpur,
* 15 km away from Hitech City,
* 6 km away from ORR Patancheru,
* 100% Vastu Compliance,
* HMDA Layout,
* HMWS Manjeera Water Provision,
* Park and Kid's Play Area and Mini gym
* Club House,
* HMDA Semi-Gated Community,
* Under Ground Drainage,
* C.C Roads and LED Street Lights,
* Solar-power fencing all around the venture compound,
* CCTV in all Common areas,
* Power Back-Up Common Areas,
* INTERNET Connection in living Room
Flats for Sale in Beeramguda,
Apartment Flats for sale in Beeramguda,
HMDA Approved Flats for sale in Beeramguda,
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Rs 1,65,00,000
City: HyderabadLocality: Beeramguda
2 years ago